Server Programming II
INFO 153B/INFO 253B: Backend Web Architecture
Kay Ashaolu
What have we done?
- We have created a server that can accept HTTP requests, and send HTTP responses back
- We have full control over what we send back as a response
- We are using Python in order to fully control the back-end
More about routes
- Routes connect URL paths to callback functions
- On the event that a client goes to the "/" path
- Execute the assigned callback function
Quick note on server applications
- A server application is continuously running
- It does this so that it always listens to requests
- In order to exit a Python Flask web application you must kill the application
- This is done in Unix by the keyboard combination
Control + C
Route Example
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index_page():
return "<html><head><title>Homepage</title></head>\
<body><h1>This is the home page!</h1></body></html>"
def about_page():
return "<html><head><title>About</title></head>\
<body><h1>This is the about us page!</h1></body></html>"
def blog_post():
return "<html><head><title>Blog 1</title></head>\
<body><h1>This is the first blog post</h1></body></html>"
What's happening?
- We have explicitly told our server to respond to three requests in a specific way
- We return the raw text that we want our client (the browser) to receive
- Note that we are sending pure html (language browser understands) to the client. The browser takes that text and displays the webpage we see
What about static files?
- Sometimes we just want to send the user the resource as is
- Examples include image files, pdf files, media files
- We need some mechanism for our static files to be sent to the client on request
Flask and Static Files
- Flask has a mechanism to set a directory to be treated as a static server
- This is exactly how the server from last week operated, and how your local file system operates
- When a user goes to a particular path, the file that is there is sent to the client as is
- This is different with the routes that we have been using so far
Static Example
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__,static_url_path="/static")
def hello_world():
return """
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/static/style.css' />
<h1>This is the home page!</h1>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/static/script.js'></script>
Static Example
/* static/style.css */
h1 {
color: blue;
Static Example
// static/script.js
alert("script.js has been loaded!");
Static Example
What's happening here?
- We have set the path '/static' to run as a static server
- Any path that starts with '/static' will serve files "as is" from the "static" folder
- Check it out by going to http://localhost:5050/static/style.css
- Because of our static server, we can serve our own static files
Let's see another example
from flask import Flask
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
quote_db = {
'sunday': "Life is about making an impact, not making an income. \
–Kevin Kruse",
'monday': "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. \
–Napoleon Hill",
'tuesday': "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. \
–Albert Einstein",
'wednesday': "You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. \
–Wayne Gretzky",
'thursday': "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. \
–Babe Ruth",
'friday': "We become what we think about. \
–Earl Nightingale",
'saturday': "Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. \
–John Lennon",
def quote_of_the_day(day_of_week):
response = {"day": day_of_week, "quote": quote_db[day_of_week.lower()]}
return json.dumps(response)
What is happening?
- We have created an endpoint that is expecting the "day_of_week" parameter to be passed in the URL
- Note that the route has this special "<>" syntax. This tells the function underneath to expect info from the url to be passed into its function
- Note that day_of_week is passed as an input to the function quote_of_the_day. The input is day_of_week passed via the URL and the response is JSON with the quote for that day of the week
Server Programming II - Backend Webarch
By kayashaolu
Server Programming II - Backend Webarch
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