Application State Management



Kenji Lozano

Senior Software Developer, Truextend

Organizer of Angular Bolivia Community


Javascript Lover

Sucre, Bolivia


Let's begin with...


Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications.

Application architecture for building user interfaces

Flux Motivation

How does it works?

What about UI Actions?

What about API Requests?

Wait... Keep in mind!


Flux is not a library

It's just a pattern... a guideline...

We're ready!

Let's code!

We have to learn some basic principles

1st Principle

Single source of truth


all application state is stored as a single Js Object

2nd Principle

The state tree is immutable


You cannot write to or modify the app state directly

3rd Principle

Changes are made with pure functions


Redux - From Zero to Hero

By Kenji Lozano

Redux - From Zero to Hero

WTH is Redux? :P

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