
wife, 4 kids, & a dog

Kent C. Dodds

Learn React ⚛️

Become more effective with the React JavaScript Framework

Please Stand...

if you are able ❤️ ♿️

What this workshop is

  • Interactive and Hands-on
  • Fundamental! (useful for beginners and experienced React devs)
  • Very bare bones

What this talk is not

  • 100% practical examples
  • Covering everything you can do

What this workshop covers

  • React.createElement
  • JSX
  • Custom Components
  • PropTypes
  • Styling
  • Event Handlers
  • State
  • DOM manipulation
  • Forms
  • HTTP


If you can, do it now, even if you've already done it...

git clone https://github.com/kentcdodds/learn-react.git

cd learn-react

npm run setup --silent


  • 🙋 Raise your hand to ask and answer questions. Feel free to make relevant comments as well!
  • 💬 🌎 Use the workshop chat room to ask and answer each others questions.
  • 📑 Fill out the elaboration and feedback forms for every exercise.
  • 📧 Ask questions on my AMA (kcd.im/ama).
  • 🐦 Follow me on twitter 😉 (twitter.com/kentcdodds).


  1. The why/exercise intro 👨‍💻
  2. Exercises 💪 (pair programming!?)
  3. Elaboration and Feedback Form 📑
  4. ? Bonus 👨‍🎓 👩‍🎓
  5. ? Help others 👩‍🔬 👨‍🔬
  6. ? Make pull requests 🙏


Thank you!

Learn React

By Kent C. Dodds

Learn React

This course is for React newbies and those looking to get a better understanding of React fundamentals. With a focus on React fundamentals, you'll come out of this course knowing what problems React can solve for you and how it goes about solving those problems. You will have a good grasp on what JSX is and how it translates to regular JavaScript function calls and objects. Each lesson in this course is just a single index.html file which will help you keep your focus on learning React and not distracted by all the tools that make production applications work. The course wraps up with a lesson on how to move from these index.html files to a more production ready development environment and even how to deploy your app to a great service like Netlify. Enjoy!

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