• Present tense of reflexive verbs (FGC SCP)

  • Tutorial for Engagement Discussion Board (FGC 1120)

  • Unidad 9, Gramática I: Present tense of reflexive verbs

  • Live Session 3--FGC: Preterite of -IR verbs that stem change in the present tense

  • Live Session Makeup--FGC 1121

  • Live Session 1--FGC 1121: stem-changing verbs

  • Live Session Makeup (NFC Spanish 1): Verbs that stem change e to ie and o to ue

  • Live Session Makeup (FGC Spanish 1): The stem-changing verbs "pensar", "querer" and "preferir"

  • "Gustar" extension for Live Session 2 FGC SPN 1120

  • Live Session 2--SPN 1120 FGC (main)

  • Live Session 1--FGC SPN 1120

  • Live Session 1--SPN 1120 NFC

  • Live Session 2--SPN 1121 NFC

  • Live Session 1, FGC Spanish 1

  • Live Session 1, Spanish 1 FGC

  • Meet Me (for FGC SPN 1120 students)

  • Midterm Exam Review: SPN 1121, NFC

  • Live Session 1--NFC 1121: stem-changing verbs

  • Review for Final Exam--NFC Spanish 2 Live Session Makeup

  • Unidad 10, Gramática II, Part 1: Preterite of -IR verbs that stem change in the present tense

  • Unidad 10, Gramática II, Part 2: The irregular stem-changing preterite

  • Unidad 10, Gramática I: The present progressive tense

  • Estructura 8.1: Preterite of -IR verbs that stem change in the present tense

  • Live Session #2 Spanish 1 (NFC)

  • Live Session 2: Gustar & gustar-type verbs (NFC SPN 1121)

  • Live Session 2: Present tense of reflexive verbs (NFC 1121)

  • FGC Midterm review part 2: Present tense of reflexive verbs

  • FGC Midterm review part 1: The present progressive tense

  • Midterm Exam Review: Spanish 1

  • Midterm Exam Review: SPN 1121

  • Gramática II (Unidad 8): The regular preterite tense

  • Estructura 6.3: The regular preterite tense

  • Affirmative tú-commands

  • Irregular verbs in the present tense

  • Stem-changing verbs

  • Spanish possessive adjectives

  • Spanish Vowels--Live Session 1, Spanish 1 NFC

  • Live Session 1, NFC Spanish 1

  • Meet Me (for NFC 1120 students)

  • Keys to Success SPN 1120 (NFC)

  • Getting started in Spanish 1--NFC

  • Answering questions with complete sentences

  • Grammar 8.4: Using "hace" and "que" with time to state how long ago an event occurred

  • Grammar 8.2: Preterite of -IR verbs that stem change in the present tense (and a mention of Grammar 8.3)

  • Grammar 8.1: The irregular stem-changing preterite

  • Grammar 7.4: The regular preterite tense

  • Grammar 7.3: Equal comparisons using "tan" and "tanto" (and its inflected forms)

  • Grammar 7.2: Comparisons of inequality using "más" and "menos"

  • Grammar 6.4: Verbs for expressing obligation

  • Grammar 6.3: The verbs "saber" and "poder" plus infinitive