CSS - Practice & Flexbox
Leon Noel
"In my memory, I can hear Chopin's nocturnes playing in the background
A slow train wreck, you'll close your eyes but forever hear the sound
And boy, it's tough 'Cause that's the sound of people falling out of love"
Review - Network Reminder
Review - CSS Basics
Practice - Box Model
Review - Responsive Basics
Practice - EM / REM
Practice - Media Queries
Build - Using Flexbox
Homework - Layouts
About last class or life
Checking In
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Friends (Almost Done)?
Submitting Work
Nothing due today!
Please keep putting work into those layouts!
1 Individuals Already In Tech
Push? 1 Coffee Chat
Stranger > Acquaintance > Friend > Referral > Coworker
Coding Challenges
Daily - Starting After Thursday
Paid Client
Due by Mar. 29th
I started my first job as a Software Engineer on Feb 1st :))) So I’m two weeks in, and yeah, doesn’t feel real, but the dream as a reality is slowly starting to sink in…
It seems silly to put it this way, but it really feels like a prize (a HARD WON prize!), and so if I could “dedicate” this celebration it would be to all of 100Devs; especially those folks feeling your first struggles with The Trough; and ESPECIALLY those folks who have been in that Trough for some time. I really really really wasn’t sure I’d make it through—so many points where I doubted if I had accomplished anything at all.
I wish I could express how “un-ready” I felt, even after more than one official offer. I wish I could tell you how many times I got myself GOT along the way! With Imposter Syndrome! With networking anxiety (networking got me this job)! Slipping on my Anki (using it now on the job)! I wish I could share the depths, the level I felt GOT…because I want to share this view from the other side I’m sending all of my very best thoughts, wishes, and encouragement to the folks who feel the farthest away from the light: we go GET
You’re gonna need a crew for those boats and logs though. LISTEN TO LEON, help others, ask for help (can be hard to learn how to do!). I was helped by so many people, would never have made it without the community Especially my teams (Automagics! Project Team! ) I’ve thanked you, but I can’t thank you enough - Rel.Speedwagon
Hey all, I'm really excited to share that I accepted an offer from Amazon! I'll be starting as a Front End Engineer with Amazon Robotics in March!
Huge thanks to @Dabolical (James) for your encouragement and support, and to @Leon for giving me the tools and strategies for success (PREP/CAR were gold!), as well as the confidence to use them and go get! I am also extremely grateful for everyone here - I am honored to be part of such supportive and uplifting community. Thank you for letting me lurk, ask questions, and give support and advice when I'm able!
Just because...
The Golden Rule
HTML = Content / Structure
CSS = Style
JS = Behavior / Interaction
Progressive Enhancement
According to the United States Department of Commerce, about 22 million Americans--roughly 35% of the nation's rural residents--lack access to broadband.
Where does CSS go?
In the head
In a separate file
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
What is this?
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;
CSS is read top to bottom
What comes below, can override what came above
This is called the Cascade
Selecting By Relationship
section > p {
color: red;
To select an element that is the direct descendent of another element use
parent > child
<p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
Selecting By Relationship
section p {
color: red;
To select an element that is inside of another element without being directly descended use parent element
parent child
<p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
Selecting By Relationship
p + p {
color: red;
To select an element that is the next sibling use
previous sibling + adjacent sibling
<p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
<p>Hello, Youtube!</p>
Selecting By Relationship
p ~ p {
color: red;
To select an element that is a general sibling
previous sibling ~ general sibling
<p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
<p>Hello, Youtube!</p>
<span>CCCOMBO BREAKER</span>
<p>Hello, Tiktok!</p>
IDs & Classes
#zebra {
color: red;
IDs are used for selecting distinct elements
Only one id with the same value per document
<p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
<p id="zebra">Hello, Youtube!</p>
.bob {
color: red;
Classes are for selecting multiple elements
Multiple with same value allowed per document
<p class="robot">Hello, Twitch!</p>
<p id="zebra" class="bob">Hello, Youtube!</p>
<p class="bob">Goodbye, Mixer!</p>
#pizza span.gone {
color: red;
<section id="pizza">
<p class="jumanjiOriginalMovie">Hello, Twitch!</p>
<p id="car" class="hello">Hello, Youtube!</p>
<span style="color:red;" class="gone">Mixer!</span>
#dietCoke p.robot.unicorn + .bob {
color: red !important;
<section id="dietCoke">
<p class="robot unicorn">Hello, Twitch!</p>
<p id="zebra" class="bob dominosPizza">Hello, Youtube!</p>
<p class="bob">Goodbye, Mixer!</p>
The Box Model
Let's Code
Box Model Practice
Responsive Websites
Fixed Vs. Responsive
Content Decisions
What makes a site responsive?
Everything as a percentage
font-size: 62.5%;
font-size: 20px;
font-size: 1em
font-size: 1rem;
<p>Spam dominos in chat</p>
Font size of the parent, in the case of typographical properties like font-size, and font size of the element itself, in the case of other properties like width.
- mdn
Let's Code
Em/Rem Practice
Content Decisions
How do we make content decisions?
Media Queries
@media all and (max-width: 600px) {
h1 {
color: blue;
Let's Code
Media Query Practice
Important Addition To The Template
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
Time For Some
not that kind...
🚨 Let's Talk About Floats 🚨
Let's Write BADD CODE
With Flexbox
Layout 1
Layout 2
Layout 3
Do: Code Homework Layout Photos - HTML & CSS
Read: Go Deep On Things That Don't Make Sense
#100Devs - CSS Review & A Little Flexbox
By Leon Noel
#100Devs - CSS Review & A Little Flexbox
Class 11 of our Free Web Dev Bootcamp for folx affected by the pandemic. Join live T/Th 6:30pm ET leonnoel.com/twitch and ask questions here: leonnoel.com/discord
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