Short story about design using tests
...basically is about how i do design using tests
Let's imagine that we need register user in our app...
yeah sophisticated task
How do you design register user feature?
Yay let's plan the database schema...
and use getters and setters everywhere
No, let's plan the domain first...
bin/phpspec desc "PHPBenelux\Domain\User"
What data are needed for User to use our system?
namespace spec\PHPBenelux\Domain;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
class UserSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_has_email_and_password()
$hash = password_hash('secretPass', PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
Why not use constructor instead?
namespace spec\PHPBenelux\Domain;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
class UserSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_has_email_and_password()
$hash = password_hash('secretPass', PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
$this->beConstructedWith('', $hash);
We can add Value Objects to protect invariants
namespace spec\PHPBenelux\Domain;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\Email;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\PasswordHash;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\UserId;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
class UserSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_has_email_and_password()
$hash = password_hash('secretPass', PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
new Email(''),
$this->email()->shouldBeLike(new Email(''));
bin/phpspec run
namespace PHPBenelux\Domain;
class User
public function __construct($argument1, $argument2, $argument3)
// TODO: write logic here
public function id()
// TODO: write logic here
namespace PHPBenelux\Domain;
class User
private $id;
private $email;
private $passwordHash;
public function __construct(UserId $id, Email $email, PasswordHash $passwordHash)
$this->id = $id;
$this->email = $email;
$this->passwordHash = $passwordHash;
public function id(): UserId
return $this->id;
public function email(): Email
return $this->email;
public function passwordHash(): PasswordHash
return $this->passwordHash;
Ok, what now?
Register User service
namespace spec\PHPBenelux\Application\UseCase;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use PHPBenelux\Application\UseCase\RegisterUser;
use PHPBenelux\Application\TransactionManager;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\Users;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\UserFactory;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\User;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
class RegisterUserSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let(
TransactionManager $transactionManager,
Users $users,
UserFactory $userFactory
) {
$this->beConstructedWith($transactionManager, $users, $userFactory);
function it_creates_and_store_user_in_repository(
TransactionManager $transactionManager,
Users $users,
UserFactory $userFactory,
User $user
) {
$this->execute(new RegisterUser\Command(
namespace PHPBenelux\Application\UseCase;
use PHPBenelux\Application\TransactionManager;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\UserFactory;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\Users;
use Throwable;
class RegisterUser
private $transactionManager;
private $users;
private $userFactory;
public function __construct(TransactionManager $transactionManager, Users $users, UserFactory $userFactory)
$this->transactionManager = $transactionManager;
$this->users = $users;
$this->userFactory = $userFactory;
public function execute(RegisterUser\Command $command): void
try {
$user = $this->userFactory->create($command->email(), $command->password());
if ($this->users->has($user)) {
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
throw $exception;
Doctrine Adapter
namespace PHPBenelux\Adapter\Doctrine\Domain;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\Email;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\Exception\UserNotFound;
use PHPBenelux\Domain\Users as UsersInterface;
final class Users implements UsersInterface
private $entityManager;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
public function add(User $user): void
public function has(User $user): bool
return (bool) $this
->findOneBy(['' => (string) $user->email()])
public function get(Email $email): User
/** @var User $user */
$user = $this->entityManager->getRepository(User::class)->findOneBy(['' => (string) $email]);
if (!$user) {
throw new UserNotFound();
return $user;
namespace PHPBenelux\Adapter\Doctrine\Application;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use PHPBenelux\Application\TransactionManager as TransactionManagerInterface;
final class TransactionManager implements TransactionManagerInterface
private $entityManager;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
public function begin(): void
public function commit(): void
public function rollback(): void
Thank you!
Short story about design using tests PHPBenelux uncon
By Leszek Prabucki
Short story about design using tests PHPBenelux uncon
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