How the Web works

Request / Response

When you navigate to a web page what happens?

CLIENT: Request

SERVER: Response

HTTP Headers

Request Headers

    Request Method: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD
  accept: Tells the server what type of content the client want's (html, xml, json, etc..)

  accept-encoding: Tells the server what content encoding's the client understands (gzip,deflate, etc..)

  cookie: client cookies are passed to the server with the request (more on this later)

HTTP Headers

Response Headers

  Status Code: Tells the client how the request was completed. (200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND etc)

 Status Code ranges:

               1xx Informational

               2xx Success

               3xx Redirection

               4xx Client Error (  418 I'm a teapot )

               5xx Server Error

HTTP headers

Response Headers con't

  content-type: What type of content the server returned (may not match accept header from client)

  content-encoding: How the content is encoded (gzip)

  cache-control: Tells the client how long this content can be cached for. 

  set-cookie: Tells the client to store the following cookies for future requests back to the server.

LET"S talk <angle> </brackets>


The presentation language of the web. 

<open> and </close> tag semantics

Declarative language used to describe WHAT should appear on the screen. Not HOW it should appear.

Different tags denote different content container types
<span> <div> <ul> <img> <video> <audio>


The semantic web

   HTML 5 is the newest version of the W3C consortium specification for HTML language. 


A large part of the spec focuses on the "Semantic web" 

  The semantic web's purpose is to provide more descriptive container elements that are able to more aptly describe the content that is place within said tag.     

Html 4

 Prior to HTML 5, when you built a navigation bar on your page you would probably do something like this


<div id="nav" class="nav"> </div>


The point was to try and imply the content container type ("nav") while having to use a generic container element "div"

HTML 5 (Semantic web)

     In HTML 5 a new tag called <nav> was introduced. 


Now the tag itself implies the content contained within. 

This makes the HTML language more semantic (less overloading of the vocabulary)

maintainable html

DO: Keep your HTML simple (K.I.S.S)
DO: Put CSS in a seperate file
DO: Leverage semantic tags to increase readability
DO: Reduce nesting of elements

DON'T: Inline CSS in HTML elements
DON'T: Inline CSS in HTML Document head
DON'T: Use HTML elements to imply style (e.g. <table> for layout structure)

    background: green;

    color: white;

    font-size: 24px;

What is CSS

CSS is a markup language that allows to you apply visual styling to HTML elements

HTML elements define layout container and content semantics

CSS applies the visual styling to these elements

cSS DO's and dont's

DO: Favor unobtrusive CSS
DO: Use sensibly named CSS classes
DO: Keep styles simple
DO: Favor style composition on HTML elements

DON'T: Inline CSS
DON'T: Make classes hard to refactor

CSS Selectors

Used to match CSS classes to HTML elements in the DOM

Gives you a pattern matching system to apply styles to groups of like elements

Element id ,Element type, Element class etc..

Can apply selector filters to build more complex selector logic


use a period ( . ) to denote a class name selector
.className {} 

use a hash ( # ) to denote an id selector
#id {} 

use an HTML element type for a type selector
div {} 

use square brackets [ ] to denote an attribute filter
a [href=""] {} 

get crazy with selectors


function whatIsJavascript (){

      if (doneCorrectly){
          return "awesome";
          return "frustrating"

//OMG: We are passing functions.....
var question = whatIsJavascript;
var answer = question();

What is javascript



Loosely Typed



C style syntax

DO's and DON'TS

DO: Favor unobtrusive JavaScript (separate files, no inlining)
DO: Follow normal coding principles DRY, KISS etc..
DO: Try to avoid deeply nested callback structures
DO: Follow the "revealing module" pattern (more later) 

DON'T: Introduce global variables (THIS IS A BIG ONE)
DON'T: rely on this semantics if possible
DON'T: Rely on object state. Remember.."functional"


"Run" javascript?

JS is an interpreted language, meaning the runtime environment (usually the browser) contains an "interpreter" that executes JS code on the fly (no compilation). 

To "run" JS you need to load your JS file into the interpreter. 

In HTML this involves referencing your JS file in the context of a page.

HOw do i...

Debug JS?

Many runtime environments also supply debuggers.

In Chrome, the developer tools (Ctrl + Shift + I) has an excellent debugger.

Visual Studio can also attach to the browsers JS interpreter and provide a great debug experience.  Simply F5 your MVC project and place breakpoints in your JS as you would normally.

PUTTING it all together

Step 1: Browser makes a request to the web server

Step 2: Web server processes request and sends a response

Step 3: Browser loads the response body

Step 4: HTML document is parsed.

Step 5: CSS files are loaded and applied to HTML elements

Step 6: Javascript files are loaded into the JS interpreter and executed

Copy of How the Web works

By lonce

Copy of How the Web works

Simple high level overview of cores concepts that make up the "web" as we know it.

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