Getting started with
Serverless & Lambda Functions

09/11/2017, Milan

Luciano Mammino (@loige)



PASS: CF_2017!

About Luciano


... for the curious ones:

   I have side projects

I'll do a talk tomorrow!


Cracking JWT tokens: a tale of magic, Node.JS and parallel computing



What is serverless

Compute as functions

Event-based model

Why serverless is good


Pay per usage model (compute time * memory)

Managed infrastructure

Forces you to think in microservices


Your own AWS account

AWS command line (installed and configured)

Node.js (v 6.10+)


SAM & SAM Local

Bash-compatible shell


  • Quick introduction (DONE!)
  • Application overview
  • Lesson 1: The frontend (S3 / SPA)
  • Lesson 2: The database (Dynamo DB)
  • Lesson 3: Understanding Lambda (Lambda / Api Gateway)
  • Lesson 4: Deploying a Mock Api (SAM)
  • Lesson 5: Integrating the API with DB (AWS SDK)
  • Lesson 6: Advanced APIs (Lambda Body parsing & validation)
  • Lesson 7: Preparing for Background Processing (SNS, SQS)
  • Lesson 8: Background Processing (worker lambda)



Frontend: S3 (website mode)

Backend: Api Gateway + Lambda

Database: Dynamo DB

Worker: SNS + SQS + Lambda

Email: Mock SMTP server

Let's get started!

Thanks :)

Don't forget to submit your evaluation form!

Getting started with Serverless and Lambda Functions

By Luciano Mammino

Getting started with Serverless and Lambda Functions

In this workshop, we will get started with Serverless on AWS with Lambda Functions and we will learn all the fundamentals needed to build a complete application from the ground up. LUCIANO MAMMINO DATE: Thursday 9th of November 2017 LOCATION: Cariplo Factory, Via Bergognone 34, Milan

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