Data Visualisation



12 May 2020


Boehringer Ingelheim

2.Interactive & online


1. Data visualisation fundamentals

2. Online and interactive data visualisation

3. Going beyond bars and lines: non-standard visualisations

4. Dashboard design

Interactive & online viz

Online graphics: bitmaps, svg, canvas, webGL

Responsive data visualisation

Interactive data visualisation

Why the New York Times is doing fewer interactives

Online graphics


Raster of pixels

Each pixel a color



Shape specification

Shape properties

[1,1] => rgb(255, 255, 255)
[1,2] => rgb(236, 89, 83)
[1,3] => rgb(234, 50, 35)

<circle cx=30 cy=30 r=20 fill="red">


Do not scale


jpg, png



svg = scalable vector graphics


<circle>, <line>, <rect>, <path>, <text>, ...


Works together with html, css, js


[1,1] => rgb(255, 255, 255)
[1,2] => rgb(236, 89, 83)
[1,3] => rgb(234, 50, 35)

<circle cx=30 cy=30 r=20 fill="red">


Scales well in resolution

Smaller file sizes

Part of the DOM: events




Part of the DOM: limited number of elements

Not good for things like photos


Added in html5

Draw bitmaps with javascript


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>Canvas tutorial</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function draw() {
        var canvas = document.getElementById('tutorial');
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        ctx.fillStyle = "green";
        ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
  <body onload="draw();">
    <canvas id="tutorial" width="150" height="150"></canvas>





Easy to get started

Easy to register user interactions

Easy to animate

Very performant

Easy to update

Potentially complex DOM updates

Not performant for large numbers of elements

More work to get started

More work to handle interactions

Have to write custom animations


Responsive visualisations

Font too small

Axis labels might start to overlap

Line is too narrow

Small responsive

Less ticks
More compact formatting
Thicker line width
Bigger font
Remove y axis

Large responsive

More ticks
Less compact formatting
Thinner line width
Smaller font

Chart orientation


What is interactivity for visualisation?

What is interactivity?

As of today there is no consensus on what interaction is, and what its role for visualization is – as interaction is an elusive and overloaded term

Interactivity for analysis


Specify visual encoding


Choose different dimension to be visualised

Choose another chart type

Interactivity for analysis


Filter out relevant data


Thresholds, time ranges, categories, geographical regions, ...


Interactivity for analysis


Sort data


To reveal patterns


Interactivity for analysis


Derive values




Models and statistics

Interactivity for analysis


Select items


Identify single or multiple items, get details/summaries

Filter items in or out


Interactivity for analysis




Zoom out for bigger picture

Zoom in for details

Pan the viewport on the data


Interactivity for analysis


Coordinate multiple views


Explore multivariate data

Small multiples

Brushing and linking


Interactivity for explanatory data visualisation

What interactive features can you identify in

Interactivity for Explanatory dataviz




Identify items

Offer exact data points

Give more details

Interactivity for Explanatory dataviz




Identify items

Show group of items

Interactivity for Explanatory dataviz




Object constancy

Transitions for zoom and panning the data space

Transition between visual encodings

Need triggers: time interval, scroll, click

Interactivity for Explanatory dataviz




Filter, focus attention

Why the NYT is doing fewer interactives

Title of a famous talk by Archie Tse, graphics director of The New York Times


Based on user statistics, they noted that many interactive features were not being used


They came up with 3 rules for visual storytelling


They apply to the online news context, but good to know about them

1. If you make the reader click or do anything other than scroll, something spectacular should happen

2. If you make a tooltip or a rollover, assume no one will ever see it. If content is important for readers to see, don't hide it

3. When deciding to make something interactive, remember that it is expensive to make it work on all platforms

  • Users can dig deep
  • Users can discover the full data set
  • Interaction can help build trust in your analysis


1. Data visualisation fundamentals

2. Online and interactive data visualisation

3. Going beyond bars and lines: non-standard visualisations

4. Dashboard design

Thank you!


Interactive and online visualisations

By maartenzam

Interactive and online visualisations

  • 3,352