Advertisement agency meets a cloud 

Migrating 260 domains from shared hosting to GKE

root@localhost:~# whoami


Drama Characters

The Company

End client. Most prominent over-the-counter drugs manufacture in Poland. They have about 30 brands. Each brand has its own logo, own brand manager, and website.



The creative agency specialized in pharmaceutical products marketing.


They were responsible for the development and hosting of The-Company's websites


They used dedicated servers. 


A creative agency that was going to take responsibility for The Company digital portfolio


They love Google Cloud and they come up with the idea to migrate from dedicated servers to GCP

What? Why? How?


~40 websites

~260 domains

80% PHP
Ruby, Nodejs



DIY oAuth server

The Company controlled (almost) all domains

NS were delegated to Foomedica

(digression) OODA loop 

The OODA loop is the cycle observe–orient–decide–act, developed by military strategist and United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd. Boyd applied the concept to the combat operations process, often at the operational level during military campaigns.

Reconciliation loop

Desired state

  • Move everything to (Google) cloud
  • Reasonable infrastructure costs
  • Operated by two ops after hours
  • Easy deployments 

Simple plan

Plan v0.0.1

  • Inventorization
  • Obtaining all assets, access to all systems
  • Detailed analysis of obtained assets
  • Reading documentation
  • Prepare base infrastructure on GCP
  • Scheduling maintenance window, communication with all stakeholders
  • Deployment on staging
  • Actual migration

a few things didn't go as planned

a few problems...

  • no documentation at all
  • no access to old infrastructure
  • limited contact with Foomedica
  • no git - just tar.gz dumps
  • some dumps were creating by archiving data on servers, but there were broken symlinks
  • some dumps were actually from git but versions mismatched with the content of the live websites
  • many bugs (broken links, etc.) on live websites that we found after the migration
  • forget about deployment scripts or dependencies documentation

Biggest mistakes during planing phase:

  • no proper audit of old infrastructure (we weren't able to prove that some things were already  broken before migration)
  • made friends with Foomedica admin too late

What now?

One more thing

chapter #0 lean project management infrastructure

project management tools

  • Slack
  • Trello
  • G Suite

chapter #1 GCP setup

GCP check list

  • Enable billing,
  • Enable billing alerts,
  • Set up accounts and permissions,
  • Use two-factor authentication,
  • Decide which region do you plan to use,
  • If you use VMs plan your network topology,
  • Buy support plan before going live,
  • Optional - enable billing export to BigQuery

standing on the shoulders of giants


chapter #2 - deploy GitLab

chapter #3 - DNS zones

DNS import

gcloud dns record-sets import -z=examplezonename --zone-file-format path-to-example-zone-file


We didn't get zone files for all domains :(


DNS verification

Simple python script with dnspython lib to compare DNS entries on live name servers with GCP name servers


chapter #4 - simple monitoring

simple monitoring

  • We decided to use Status Cake
  • Simple python script to import all domains using API
  • Slack notifications
  • Saved our back many times
  • We have a love-hate relationship with this tool

chapter #5 containerization


  • I have discovered a truly marvelous solution to this, which this slide is too small to contain.
  • put all stuff into GitLab
  • use GitLab Ci for building the images

chapter #6 k8s time

deployment in GKE

  • deploy GKE cluster (using gcloud command)
  • deploy Cloud SQL
  • deploy Cloud SQL proxy, Nginx ingress, Kube lego
  • deploy all websites
  • adjust probes and resources
  • NFS VM

chapter #7 SEO/brand protection domains


  • each website had one main domain + 5-6 additional domains (ex: .eu, .com,
  • ingress per brand
  • we wrote simple sidecar in go for managing redirections (to control everything via env vars in deployments definitions)

chapter #8 mission accomplished?


  • update to point to Kubernetes ingress instead of Foomedica's servers
  • Profit?

Bonus level - what happened after the migration?

and they lived happily ever after?

  • Move everything to (Google) cloud - ✔
  • Reasonable infrastructure costs - ✔
  • Operate by two ops after hours - ✔
  • Easy deployments - ✔


outage #1 kubelego...

outage #2 preemptible VMs


Spotkanie agencji interaktywnej z chmurą Jesień Linuksowa 2022

By Maciej Sawicki

Spotkanie agencji interaktywnej z chmurą Jesień Linuksowa 2022

  • 44