How SVG can save your day - Fronteers June 2022
Presentation made during the Fronteers Meetup on 26 June 2022.
Les animations d'aujourd'hui avec WAAPI - Paris Web 2020
Slides from my talk at Paris Web 2020 about the Web Animations API
Can you make it less random ?
The web is my private playground
Maybe the web is something you only know from 9am to 6pm. But when the lights go out, the web becomes a giant sandbox for some gremlins like me where we can let our brain play and relax. Let me introduce you to my private world.
CSS Christmath
Generative random patterns
Canvas : a new era
Slides from the Codepen Meetup in Rotterdam on 23/02/2017
Let it move
Small introduction about animations on your website
Introduction aux SVG's
Une introduction aux SVG's réalisée dans le cadre d'une mini formation au sein de EMAKINA.