Can you make it less random?

Delphine, 22 March 2018

Louis Hoebregts


- Front-end developer at Base design

- Generative Design teacher at HEAJ - Namur

Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events.

1. True Random

Number Generators

Extract randomness from physical phenomena

Trully unpredictable

How ?

Why ?

Not very efficient

But ?

By throwing dices

From user mouse movement

From a wall of lava lamps

2. Pseudo-Random Number Generators

Algorithms that use mathematical formulae to produce sequences of numbers

Very efficient

Can output the same numbers

How ?

Why ?

Can output the same numbers

But ?

Math.random() Math.random ( )
Returns a Number value with positive sign, greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1, chosen randomly or pseudo randomly with approximately uniform distribution over that range, using an implementation-dependent algorithm or strategy. This function takes no arguments.


Each Math.random function created for distinct realms must produce a distinct sequence of values from successive calls.

uint64_t state0 = 1;
uint64_t state1 = 2;
uint64_t xorshift128plus() {
  uint64_t s1 = state0;
  uint64_t s0 = state1;
  state0 = s0;
  s1 ^= s1 << 23;
  s1 ^= s1 >> 17;
  s1 ^= s0;
  s1 ^= s0 >> 26;
  state1 = s1;
  return state0 + state1;


Perlin noise

by Ken Perlin in 1983



Web Cryptography API

var array = new Uint32Array(10);

How to get controlled random numbers?

random() * 30
(random() - 0.5) * 2 * 20
random() * (30 - 10) + 10
x  = random() * (30 - 10) + 10
x *= random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1

How to get controlled random patterns?

const path = document.querySelector('path');
const pathLength = path.getTotalLength();
for (let i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
  const coordinates = path.getPointAtLength(Math.random() * pathLength);
  const span = document.createElement('span');

  const angle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
  const radius = Math.random();

  const x = radius * Math.cos(angle);
  const y = radius * Math.sin(angle);




span {
  animation: pop 2s infinite cubic-bezier(0.16, 0.73, 1, 0.88);
  $colors: #F38181, #FCE38A, #EAFFD0, #95E1D3;
  @for $i from 1 through 200 {
    &:nth-child(#{$i}) {
      $color: ceil(random() * 4);
      background-color: nth($colors, $color);
      animation-duration: random() * 3s + 1.5s;
      animation-delay: -3s;
      transform-origin: (random() * 400px + 100px) 100px;

@keyframes pop {
  100% {transform: rotate(220deg);}

How does JavaScript’s Math.random() generate random numbers?

Daniel Simmons


Daniel Shiffman

Can you make it less random ?

By Louis Hoebregts

Can you make it less random ?

  • 2,439