1. Animation
    • What
    • Why
    • When
    • How
  2. CSS Animations
    • Transitions
    • Keyframes
    • SVG's
  3. $.animate()
  4. GreenSock
    • What
    • Intro
    • Timelines
    • SVG's

Questions ?

1. Animation

a. What

Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and change by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other.

a. What

b. Why

It helps the user to understand the changes

b. Why

It has a meaning

One of the first animations I ever saw was a cursor blinking in the MS-DOS command prompt.

It was friendly and inviting — like, “go ahead, type something”.

But it was also functional — if the blinking stopped, that meant the system halted and possibly caught fire.

b. Why

It catches the user eye

b. Why

It makes your website smooth and beautiful

c. When


c. When


c. When


c. When


c. When

The truth is... You can animate everything !

But !

d. How

6 principles of animation

d. How

I. Causality

d. How

II. Feedback

d. How

III. Relationships

d. How

IV. Progression

d. How

V. Transition

d. How

VI. Physics

d. How

Does your animation improve at least two of the principles ?

  • Causality 
  • Feedback
  • Relationships
  • Progression
  • Transition
  • Physics

d. How

Staging your animation

d. How

Animation should be useful even the 100th time you see it.

2. CSS Animation

a. Transitions

  • transition-property
  • transition-duration
  • transition-timing-function
  • transition-delay

a. Transitions


a. Transitions

a. Transitions

b. Animations

  • animation-name
  • animation-duration
  • animation-timing-function
  • animation-delay
  • animation-iteration-count 
  • animation-direction
  • animation-fill-mode
  • animation-play-state

b. Animations


@keyframes name{
        opacity: 0;
        opacity: 1;
@keyframes name{
        opacity: 0;
        opacity: 1;
@keyframes name{
        transform: rotate(360deg);

0% is not mandatory !

@keyframes name{
        opacity: 0;
        opacity: 1;

b. Animations

animation-timing-function: steps();

b. Animations

animation-play-state: running | paused

c. will-change

  • Tell the browser which properties are going to be updated
  • Optimizes the animation & performances
  • Do not apply it to too many properties
  • Use the value contents if you are going to update the content of the element
  • Not supported by IE & Safari < 9.1

d. SVG's

  • You can insert your CSS inside the file
  • Animations working even with external SVG
  • With inline SVG, you can style your SVG from your own CSS
  • No support on Internet Explorer < Edge
  • All properties cannot be animated

d. SVG's

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 173.86 202.13">
      .a {
        fill: #5f5f5d;

      .b {
        fill: #f3f4e7;

      .c {
        fill: #f1edec;
      <path class="a" d="M55,39.71S20.31-5.67,6.25.59,5.05,58.41,13.41,83l40-27.57Z"/>
      <path class="b" d="M47.83,51S23,14.82,15.83,18,21,56.92,25.29,69.51L46,53.74Z"/>
      <path class="a" d="M118.89,39.71S153.55-5.67,167.6.59s1.2,57.82-7.16,82.36l-40-27.57Z"/>
      <path class="b" d="M126,51s24.79-36.18,32-33-5.18,38.88-9.47,51.48L127.84,53.74Z"/>
    <path class="b" d="M169.11,93.75c-9.82-54-65.29-58-79.63-58.87V34.77s-0.8,0-2.21,0-2.21,0-2.21,0v0.11c-14.33.86-69.74,4.88-79.63,58.87C-9.62,176,38,199.23,85.06,202v0.13c0.73,0,1.47,0,2.21-.07s1.48,0.07,2.21.07V202C136.56,199.23,182,164.82,169.11,93.75Z"/>
    <path class="a" d="M170.28,93.73C160.32,39,104.06,34.89,89.52,34V33.91s-0.82,0-2.24,0-2.24,0-2.24,0V34C70.5,34.89,14.3,39,4.27,93.73-0.45,119.49,1.63,139.54,7.14,155l1.29,1.52a44.63,44.63,0,0,0,21.34-37.78c0.48-26.63,6.12-42.34,22.79-42.34,17.18,0,22.67,14.93,26.32,23.15H95.06c3.65-8.22,8.92-23.15,26.32-23.15,19.11,0,22.31,15.71,22.79,42.34,0.4,22,14.09,33.34,19.35,36.66C170.81,139.16,174.83,118.72,170.28,93.73Z"/>
      <ellipse cx="120.15" cy="114.72" rx="6.12" ry="9.63"/>
      <ellipse class="c" cx="119.14" cy="109.01" rx="2.27" ry="1.7"/>
      <ellipse cx="57.94" cy="114.72" rx="6.12" ry="9.63"/>
      <ellipse class="c" cx="56.93" cy="109.01" rx="2.27" ry="1.7"/>
    <path d="M87.48,138.42S72,138,69,146.61c0,0,.86,15.95,18.53,15.95S106,146.61,106,146.61C103,138,87.48,138.42,87.48,138.42Z"/>
    <path d="M116.59,159.33c-0.09.58-2.26,14.06-13.88,14.06-10.62,0-13.43-11.36-13.91-13.77v0h0c0-.21-0.06-0.35-0.07-0.4l-1.24.19-1.23-.19s0,0.19-.07.4h0v0c-0.48,2.41-3.29,13.77-13.91,13.77-11.62,0-13.8-13.49-13.88-14.06l-2.55.39c0,0.16,2.58,16.25,16.44,16.25,9.07,0,13.35-7,15.22-11.81C89.36,169,93.63,176,102.7,176c13.86,0,16.41-16.09,16.44-16.25Z"/>

d. SVG's

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 173.86 202.13">
      .a {fill: #5f5f5d;}
      .b {fill: #f3f4e7;}
      .c {fill: #f1edec;}

        transform-origin: 86.93px 101.05px;
        animation: rotateFace 6s infinite ease-in-out;
      @keyframes rotateFace{

        animation:blink infinite 3s;
        transform-origin: 56.93px 109.01px;
        transform-origin: 119.14px 109.01px;

      @keyframes blink{
        94%, 100%{transform:scaleY(1);}
  <g class="face">
      <path class="a" d="M55,39.71S20.31-5.67,6.25.59,5.05,58.41,13.41,83l40-27.57Z"/>
      <path class="b" d="M47.83,51S23,14.82,15.83,18,21,56.92,25.29,69.51L46,53.74Z"/>
      <path class="a" d="M118.89,39.71S153.55-5.67,167.6.59s1.2,57.82-7.16,82.36l-40-27.57Z"/>
      <path class="b" d="M126,51s24.79-36.18,32-33-5.18,38.88-9.47,51.48L127.84,53.74Z"/>
      <path class="b" d="M169.11,93.75c-9.82-54-65.29-58-79.63-58.87V34.77s-0.8,0-2.21,0-2.21,0-2.21,0v0.11c-14.33.86-69.74,4.88-79.63,58.87C-9.62,176,38,199.23,85.06,202v0.13c0.73,0,1.47,0,2.21-.07s1.48,0.07,2.21.07V202C136.56,199.23,182,164.82,169.11,93.75Z"/>
      <path class="a" d="M170.28,93.73C160.32,39,104.06,34.89,89.52,34V33.91s-0.82,0-2.24,0-2.24,0-2.24,0V34C70.5,34.89,14.3,39,4.27,93.73-0.45,119.49,1.63,139.54,7.14,155l1.29,1.52a44.63,44.63,0,0,0,21.34-37.78c0.48-26.63,6.12-42.34,22.79-42.34,17.18,0,22.67,14.93,26.32,23.15H95.06c3.65-8.22,8.92-23.15,26.32-23.15,19.11,0,22.31,15.71,22.79,42.34,0.4,22,14.09,33.34,19.35,36.66C170.81,139.16,174.83,118.72,170.28,93.73Z"/>
        <ellipse cx="120.15" cy="114.72" rx="6.12" ry="9.63"/>
        <ellipse class="c eye right" cx="119.14" cy="109.01" rx="2.27" ry="1.7"/>
        <ellipse cx="57.94" cy="114.72" rx="6.12" ry="9.63"/>
        <ellipse class="c eye left" cx="56.93" cy="109.01" rx="2.27" ry="1.7"/>
      <path d="M87.48,138.42S72,138,69,146.61c0,0,.86,15.95,18.53,15.95S106,146.61,106,146.61C103,138,87.48,138.42,87.48,138.42Z"/>
      <path d="M116.59,159.33c-0.09.58-2.26,14.06-13.88,14.06-10.62,0-13.43-11.36-13.91-13.77v0h0c0-.21-0.06-0.35-0.07-0.4l-1.24.19-1.23-.19s0,0.19-.07.4h0v0c-0.48,2.41-3.29,13.77-13.91,13.77-11.62,0-13.8-13.49-13.88-14.06l-2.55.39c0,0.16,2.58,16.25,16.44,16.25,9.07,0,13.35-7,15.22-11.81C89.36,169,93.63,176,102.7,176c13.86,0,16.41-16.09,16.44-16.25Z"/>

d. SVG's

Animation on the stroke-dashoffset

d. SVG's

d. SVG's

3. $.animate()

a. Don't

Please, do not create animations with jQuery

  • jQuery is not an animation library
  • It uses an interval for the animation
  • Acceptable situation : $.slideDown()

3. GreenSock

a. What

Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web

a. What

  • TweenLite
  • TweenMax
  • TimelineLite
  • TimelineMax
  • Draggable
  • SplitText
  • DrawSVGPlugin
  • ScrollToPlugin
  • morphSVG
  • ...

a. What

a. What

a. What

b. Intro

TweenMax.to(target, duration, vars);

TweenMax.to("div", 2, {x:100, repeat:-1})
TweenMax.from("div", 2, {x:100, repeat:-1});

b. Intro

TweenMax.set("div", {
  transformOrigin: "right bottom"
TweenMax.to("div", 3, {
  rotationZ: 90,
  repeat: -1,
  yoyo: true,
  ease: Elastic.easeInOut

TweenMax.set(target, vars);

b. Intro

TweenMax.staggerFromTo("div", 2, {y: 100,opacity: 0},{y: 0,opacity: 1}, 0.3);

TweenMax.staggerTo(targets, duration, vars, stagger);



b. Intro

c. Timelines

var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1});
tl.to("div:nth-child(1)", 1,{rotationZ:360});
tl.to("div:nth-child(2)", 0.5,{y:100,yoyo:true,repeat:1});
tl.to("div:nth-child(3)", 1,{scaleY:0});
tl.to("div:nth-child(4)", 1,{x:-900});

d. SVG's

d. SVG's

d. SVG's

d. SVG's

d. SVG's

When you're an introvert...

d. SVG's

Pull Down to Refresh (Paper Plane)


5. Credits & More

a. To learn more

b. Credits

  • http://www.freepik.com/
  • https://vimeo.com/134283075
  • https://ihatetomatoes.net/simple-greensock-tutorial-your-first-steps-with-gsap/
  • http://medium.stfi.re/@adaptivepath/jedi-principles-of-ui-animation-2b88423b1dac
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsGa-gcckwY
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09_8edPAsR8
  • http://valhead.com/category/all-the-right-moves-screencast/
  • http://www.zell-weekeat.com/animating-svgs/

Thank you !

Let it move

By Louis Hoebregts

Let it move

Small introduction about animations on your website

  • 1,910