DESN 493


Take advantage of this opportunity - now.


Knowledge Work

The Critique

The Portfolio


Long Bio
P. Colin Manikoth is Senior Faculty Lecturer at Eastern Washington University, in the Visual Communication Design (VCD) program, with a focus interaction design and web development. He oversees the VCD Device Lab exploring the myriad of web-connected devices. Currently researching data visualization methods across different platforms and media. Lastly, he co-created and teaches in VCD’s User Experience (UX) Certificate program.

His thesis work, Give Up Agency, addresses the willing exchange of our digital identities for conveniences of web services. Our data is now worth more, than our dollars.

Formerly, he was the Web Producer at BHW1, an award winning advertising agency. A graduate of University of Washington with a BA from the School Art, Art History, and Design. He has a MFA from the University of Idaho’s School of Art and Architecture.

Directed Bio : Artist Statement
Our data, is worth more than our dollar. Each new web service promises greater conveniences and community, in exchange we (willingly) relinquish even more of own digital identity. The price is nothing - we expect everything to be free - however the costs are higher. This artist is guilty in this exchange by making, selling, and teaching how-to-design for it. Keep your dollar; we have the data needed.   

P. Colin Manikoth is faculty Lecturer at Eastern Washington University. The “P.” is for Poukong (or pretentious). Go to GiveUp.Agency to give-up more of your data.


Short Bio : Email Intro

When I’m not consulting, I am faculty at Eastern Washington University in the Visual Communication Design (VCD) program. Covering the topics of web design, interaction design, and web development. Before that, I was the Web Producer at BHW1 Advertising and Design.

Evaluation & Selection


  1. It’s Not About You
  2. Maintain Respect and Honesty
  3. Avoid Meaningless Words and Phrases
  4. Comparisons Should be Used Sparingly
  5. Be Specific. Be Specific. Be Specific.
  6. Remember those Design Principles
  7. Understand the Design Approach and Context
  8. Ask Why
  9. Offer Suggestions
  10. Consider the Goals and Audience of the Design


stories we tell prospective employers have a dramatic impact on whether or not we will be successful at what we do

What is Story?

Story is...

  • You understand story, if you stop to think about it.
  • Why someone should love (or hate it).
  • Art Direction.
  • The Brand.
  • The Takeaway.
  • ...just about everything.

Everything. Repeat story is everything.

For Projects

  • Essential thing you are trying to convey to your audience?
  • Client meeting, what do you want them to take away the most?
  • You aren’t selling them on a website, or a branding campaign. You’re selling them on a story, an idea, a dream.

Everything. Repeat story is everything.

Words & Images

  • Words and Typography go hand-in-hand.
  • Words are in your worksheets.
  • Words on your resume and cover letter
  • Words are social media comments.
  • Words are a Designer's concern also.
  • Images, refer to your VCD courses
    • DESN 100
    • DESN 200
    • DESN 243
    • DESN 259
    • DESN 490
    • VCD 1, 2, & 3

DESN 493 Portfolio

By Manikoth

DESN 493 Portfolio

DESN 493 Portfolio

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