Leveraging 3rd partY web services  

EWU Faculty Success Showcase
May 21, 2014

P. Colin Manikoth

Faculty Lecturer, VCD

Web consultant: design and development

Work on Internet: don't get too attached
Work anywhere

Always have access to files on any device

go ahead, catch on fire


Cannot ( should not ) be everything
- Support, Maintenance, & training
- Faculty needs & policies change

Canvas is evolving & is an extensible LMS via LTI

APIs (application programming interface) are now common place

Canvas  3rd party web services have limitations


Don't let technologies get in the way

No coding necessary

Supplement, not replace Canvas

Canvas is central (links out) to web services

Must be available on mobile, tablet, & desktop 


Free comes at a cost

3rd party services are reliable, but do go down

Logins. Logins. Logins. 

Login stack

Good stack of widely accepted logins
   - Twitter
   - Google
   - FaceBook
   - GitHub

Use a Password Manager 



Supplement Canvas Conversations. Chat no longer offered by Canvas

  - Public to everyone
  - Can include non-EWU members, e.g. Guest Lecturers
  - Easy to use. Non archival. 

  - Public to everyone
  - Non archival. 
 - Moderation


 - create, store, & share slide decks 

  - Compatible on mobile, tablet, & desktop devices
  - Slides always available online

  - Free account, no private presentations
  - Free account, only 250 MB of storage

See also SlideShare


Screenr.com for web based screencasting

  - All web based
  - Screenr.com encodes & delivers video

  - Free trial, but no free account
  - Requires Java




why Dropbox?

Take advantage of all DropBox features

Canvas limits file storage to 500MB

Used by many schools - Space Race (now over)

2GB free account with more Free Space

Many apps use DropBox for storage

Canvas LTI: DropBox DBX

DropBox: File Sharing

Add links to Canvas Pages, Modules, Assignments, etc.

Easy file sharing & hosting

Right-click Copy public link
  - Posting links to downloadable files on Canvas
  - Not-attaching large files to emails
  - Sharing photo galleries
  - Sharing video


Canvas Backup & Restore

Restore a Deleted Item

Undelete item, but which version?

Last saved? What about past versions?  

 Backup vs. 

Version contorl

* Duplicate file(s).
* Single backup.
* Does not track versions.

Version Control: 
* A time machine for files(s). 
* Tracks changes. 
* Steep learning curve, but worth it.

DropBox: Events

* Pros: 
 - Simple backup of files
 - Simple version control of files by date saved

* Cons: 
 - Every save is its version. Creates many versions.
 - Cannot set own "milestones for saves (commits)". See GitHub up next. 

why, again?

For Students: 
  - No Excuses

For Faculty & Stuff: 
  - No Excuses
  - No more Final_v1, Final_FINAL, etc.
  - Collaborative Version Control

Pen flip

Collaborative writing

Version controlled files

Use Markdown syntax

Export to many formats

Growing in popularity


 Add LTI app if it required feature(s)

Be wary of apps in beta

Thank You.

P. Colin Manikoth
PH: ext. 4086
Email: pmanikoth@ewu.edu
Twitter: @poukong
Skype: colin.manikoth
URL: manikoth.com

Third-annual EWU Faculty Success Showcase Today

By Manikoth

Third-annual EWU Faculty Success Showcase Today

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