syntax vs. semantics


  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Characters


  • Grammar
  • Meaning
  • Intent
<!-- The characters -->
< > 
< / >
" "
' '
<!-- This is the Primary heading -->
<h1>Primary Heading</h1>

<!-- This is my selfie -->
<img src="selfie.jpg" />

<!-- This is footer -->
Syntax Error
Typed the wrong characters

<html>  <//html>

<!-- Semantic Error 
It works, but meaning is wrong. 

<p>Your Name</p>
<p>Your Student ID</p>
Syntax Error
Typed the wrong characters

<html>  </html>

<!-- Semantic Error 
It works, but meaning is wrong. 

<h1>Your Name</h1>
<data>Your Student ID</data>

hypertext markup language

HTML  is the content layer

CSS is the presentation layer

JS the behavioral layer

Plain text

  • Plain text, interpreted as HTML (CSS or JS)
  • It's just plain text, until it's not e.g. rich text
  • LOTS of apps make HTML
    • Even MS Word can make websites
    • Pros/Cons

Like PDF from exported from InDesign, websites are the product/result HTML (CSS and JS)


  • Has structure and rules
  • Has old, new, and made up words
  • Has many dictionaries
  • Is flexible and forgiving
  • Accessible to everyone

Best way to learn any language is immersion.

English changes and evolves. Words are added, removed, made up, changed, etc.

NEW Words

  • LOL
  • Selfie
  • Bling
  • Emoji
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Influencer
  • Onboarding
  • Deepfake
  • etc.....

OLD Words

  • Crapulous
  • Fudgel
  • Hornswoggle
  • Twattle
  • Tittynope

OLD HTML words






NEW HTML words


<details> words with Web Components.

"Words" are analogous to HTML elements.


aka Dictionaries

  • "Dictionary" is a loose analogy.
    • Technically a specification or standard
  • Official specification and standard
  • In depth, not practical for everyday use
  • Intended for Browser makers e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc.

Too many to list here. Find your trusted source.


HTML "dictionaries" for Web Design 1

FYI. ANY "W3C Schools" website will be ignored. There are better resources.



Elements are the "words in the HTML Dictionary"

Structure element

  • Tags
  • Attributes
  • Values
An element is composed of tags, attributes, and values.
< /a>

GET Used to looking  at code.

HTML Comments

  • Notes within code
  • For documentation, help, logging, communication, etc.
  • Shoud not show after build of  Web: site, app, product, service, etc.
<!-- Start of Comment


end of Comment --> 
<!-- TAGS
* Tag Pairs
* Self Closing

Tag Pairs Examples
Heading Content
Paragraph Content

Self Closing
<img />
<br />
* Left of equal sign
* Elements can have any number attributes
* Can be true/false

Element: Image
Self Closing or Tag Pair: self closing
Attribute(s): src
Value(s): selfie.jpg
<img src="selfie.jpg" />

Element: Image
Self Closing or Tag Pair: self closing
Attribute(s): src, alt 
Value(s): selfie.jpg, My Selfie
<img src="selfie.jpg" alt="My Selfie" />
<!-- ATTRIBUTES and VALUES Continued --> 

Element: anchor
Self Closing or Tag Pair: tag pair
Attribute(s): href, target
Value(s):, _self
<a href="" target="_self"> EWU Website </a>

Element: video
Self Closing or Tag Pair: tag pair
Attribute(s): src, autoplay
Value(s): ewu.mp4
<video src="ewu.mp4" autoplay /></video>


HTML : First Principles

By Manikoth

HTML : First Principles

HTML First Principles

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