Recovering the Classics

NOTE: You will only 5 minutes max

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Why This Book?

  • Of the many, many books, what drew you to this one? 
  • What moves you about this book, story, author, or publisher? 
  • What personally, if any, about this title resonates with you? 

Objectives of Design

  • Sell more books. Easy. 
  • Reinterpret classic covers. Harder.
  • Address existing covers and how it set your design direction

Your Book Cover

  • Details of This Element
  • Explain what and why this is here
  • Remember, you're talking to non-designers
  • Details of This Element
  • Explain what and why this is here
  • Remember, you're talking to non-designers

Any other details that might be overlooked?

Your Book Cover (yes, again)


  • What's the take away from all of this work? 
  • What's the next step? 

Thank You.

Questions and Comments?

Recovering the Classics

By Manikoth

Recovering the Classics

  • 1,289