RWD Assets 

Option 1:

Save out larger images

img {max-width: 100%;}

Option 2:

3rd Party JavaScript

FitText to make font-sizing flexible

Lettering.js for more robust control over your typography: 

FitVids.js for flexible, responsive videos: [

Option 3: 

PictureFill - created by Scott Jehl 

Creates <picture> element

Picturefill (1/3)

 <picture alt="Our Alternate Text">
    <!-- Smallest size first - no @media qualifier -->
  <source src="content-image.jpeg" />

PICTUREfill (2/3)

 <picture alt="Our Alternate Text">
  <!-- Smallest size first - no @media qualifier -->
  <source src="content-image.jpeg" />

  <!-- Large size - send to viewports 800px wide and up -->
  <source src="content-image-lrg.jpeg" media="(min-width:
 800px)" />


PICTUREFill (3/3)

 <picture alt="Our Alternate Text">
  <!-- Smallest size first - no @media qualifier -->
  <source src="content-image.jpeg" />
  <!-- Large size - send to viewports 800px wide and up -->
  <source src="content-image-lrg.jpeg" media="(min-width:
 800px)" />
<!-- Fallback content for non-JS or non-media-query- supporting-browsers -->
    <img src="content-image.jpeg" alt="Our Alternate
 Text" />

Picture "element"

View demo, inspect code. 
See all the images that are loaded. 

Retina Assets

By Manikoth

Retina Assets

  • 1,753