Leveraging 3rd partY web services  

P. Colin Manikoth

P. Colin Manikoth

* Faculty Lecturer, VCD

* Web consultant: design and development

* Work on Internet: "don't get too attached"
* Work anywhere

* Always have access to files on any device

go ahead, catch on fire


* Cannot (should not) be everything
- Support, Maintenance, & training
- Faculty needs & policies change

* Canvas is evolving & is an extensible LMS via LTI

*APIs (application programming interface) are now common place

* Canvas & 3rd party web services have limitations

Goals today

* Don't let technologies get in the way

* No coding necessary

* Supplement, not replace Canvas

* Canvas is central (links out) to web services

* Must be available on mobile, tablet, & desktop 


* Free comes at a cost

* 3rd party services are reliable, but do go down

* Logins. Logins. Logins. 

Login stack

* Good stack of widely accepted logins
 - Twitter
 - GitHub
 - Google
 - FaceBook

* Use a Password Manager



* http://tlk.io/bootcamp

* Supplement Canvas Conversations. Chat no longer offered by Canvas

* Pros:
 - Public to everyone
 - Can include non-EWU members, e.g. Guest Lecturers
 - Easy to use. Non archival. 

* Cons: 
 - Public to everyone
 - Moderation


 - create, store, & share slide decks 

* Pros:
 - Compatible on mobile, tablet, & desktop devices
 - Slides always available online

* Cons:
 - Free account, no private presentations
 - Free account, only 250 MB of storage


* Screenr.com for web based screencasting
* No software to install

- All web based
- Screenr.com encodes & delivers video

- Free trial, but no free account

Medium-ish stuff



why Dropbox?

* Take advantage of all DropBox features

* Canvas limits file storage to 500MB

* Used by many schools - Space Race

* 2GB free account with more Free Space

* Extensible. Newly announced DropBox DBX. Like Canvas has an API. 

DropBox: File Sharing

* Add links to Canvas Pages, Modules, Assignments, etc.

* Right-click Copy public link

* Simple CDN (content delivery network) or "easy file 
sharing & hosting"

* Sharing links
 - Posting links to downloadable files on Canvas
 - Not-attaching large files to emails
 - Sharing photo galleries
 - Sharing video

DropBox: Sites

* Easily and quickly host a website saved on DropBox

* Site44 turns a DropBox folder into a  web root

* Pros: 
 - Free web hosting using DropBox

* Cons: 
 - No databases or PHP, e.g. No WordPress installations

Google analytics

* Google Analytics is a free website tracking service

* Metrics
 - Visitors
 - Content (pages visited)
 - Demographics (location, browsers, devices)
 - Downloads

 - free
- Small bit of code to copy & paste

DropBox: Events

* Pros: 
 - Simple backup of files
 - Simple version control of files by date saved

* Cons: 
 - Every save is its version. Creates many versions.
 - Cannot set own "milestones for saves (commits)". See GitHub up next. 

hard stuff

 Backup vs. 

Version contorl

* Duplicate file(s).
* Single backup.
* Does not track versions.

Version Control: 
* A time machine for files(s). 
* Tracks changes. 
* Steep learning curve, but worth it.

Canvas Equivalent

* Restore a Deleted Item

* Undelete item, but which version?

* Last saved? What about past versions?  

git vs. github

* git is the software

* GitHub is the web service using git

* Interfaces: web & GitHub for Mac/Windows app

* "Time Machine" of data


* Track student progress & collaboration

Any team based projects

* Unlimited Storage. 

* Free Micro account for academia worth $84 per year

* Job Requirement 


* Setting up a repo or collection of files

* push to GitHub for safekeeping

* Make - commit - more changes

* revert changes. push to GitHub

* Delete local copy. Sleep soundly. 

Git Resources

why, again?

For Students: 
* No Excuses

For Faculty & Stuff: 
* No Excuses
* No more Final_v1, Final_FINAL, etc.
* Collaborative Version Control


* Canvas itself and LTI apps stored on GitHub

* Add LTI app if available & has required feature(s)
* Be wary of apps in beta

Available LTI Apps

Not available yet
* TLK.io, Slid.es, Screenr.com

Thank You.

P. Colin Manikoth
PH: ext. 4086
Email: pmanikoth@ewu.edu
Twitter: @poukong
Skype: colin.manikoth
URL: manikoth.com

Tech Boot Camp

By Manikoth

Tech Boot Camp

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