Astro Next
Astro Next
(aka our new compiler + runtime)
Astro in 2 minutes
Static site generator ⚡️
Static site generator ⚡️
- Markdown pages
- File-based routing
- Component-based
Features You Expect
Our Unique Take
- Components from any framework
- 0kB of JavaScript by default
- 🏝 Islands architecture
Astro Components
const { user } = Astro.props;
<article class="user">
<h1>{ name }</h1>
<p>Stuff about the user here...</p>
Component script section
Template section
Astro Components
import User from '../components/User.jsx';
<html lang="en">
<title>User page</title>
<User name="Matthew" />
import React from 'react';
export default function({ name }) {
return (
<article class="user">
<h1>{ name }</h1>
<p>Stuff about the user here...</p>
Astro Components
<html lang="en">
<title>User page</title>
<article class="user">
<p>Stuff about the user here...</p>
Produces 0kB JS
Astro Components
import User from '../components/User.jsx';
<html lang="en">
<title>User page</title>
<User client:load name="Matthew" />
Load on page load
Astro Components
import User from '../components/User.jsx';
<html lang="en">
<title>User page</title>
<User client:idle name="Matthew" />
Load on CPU idle
Astro Components
import User from '../components/User.jsx';
<html lang="en">
<title>User page</title>
<User client:visible name="Matthew" />
Load when scrolled into view
Astro Components
import User from '../components/User.jsx';
<html lang="en">
<title>User page</title>
<User client:media="(max-width: 600px)" name="Matthew" />
Load on matching media query
Astro Next
New Compiler
⚡️ WASM-powered
Missing features
- Source maps
- Doubling-down on HTML
- Whitespace is now rendered
- X percent faster (get numbers)
example here
let color = 'blue';
<style define:vars={{ color }}>
.user {
color: var(--color);
Components in markdown
Setting up the future
- Server-side rendering
- Can run in Node, Deno, Cloudflare Workers.
- Streaming responses
New Runtime
Why switch to Vite?
- Great core team
- The ecosystem
- Used by other frameworks
- SvelteKit
- NuxtJS
- Features not available in Astro today
New stuff
- Faster dev startup time (need numbers)
- Automatic filename hashing (show example)
- Friendlier error messages
- Source maps everywhere
npm packages in scripts
<time id="today"></time>
import {format} from 'date-fns';
const nowFormatted = format(new Date(), 'MMMM dd, yyyy -- H:mm:ss.SSS');
document.querySelector('#time').textContent = nowFormatted;
Astro Next Next
aka 1.0
Where are we at?
We are really close! But a few more things...
Finalizing longstanding discussions
- Build performance
- Security (XSS, etc)
- Prettier support!
Astro Next First Cut Delete
By Matthew Phillips
Astro Next First Cut Delete
Goes over the features coming soon to Astro.
- 213