CPSC 210

Software Construction




Thanks to many others for the work this course is based on:

Elisa Baniassad, Paul Carter, Felix Grund,
 Reid Holmes, Norm Hutchinson, Gail Murphy, Steve Wolfman, ... and many more!  

Who am I?


Previously taught 103, 107, 110, 121, 211 (210's long-ago predecessor!), 310, 417, ...

  • Associate Professor of Teaching at UBC
    (faculty since 2007)
  • Three years of industrial software development experience

We are a team of 2 instructors (me and Steve), one course coordinator (Riley) and 25+ amazing TAs! 


We are using Zoom for many Help Sessions (= Office Hours)
and a limited remote lecture experience

And we may not get a chance to check Zoom chat often. 💬

All lecture sessions will be streamed live on Zoom 💦

But the in-person session is our
priority, and quality may be low 

I    Designing Software

  • It is creative and challenging...
  • It is about tech and people...
  • It has far-reaching impact…
  • It is for everyone...
  • It is both deep and practical...

(💰 It also pays well 💰)

Course Structure

  • Lectures: Prep and watch videos before each lecture!
  • Lecture Tickets (5%): online questionnaire before each class
  • Labs (10%): 9 lab assignments (~1 lab per week)
  • Project (20%): personal project with multiple deliverables
  • Exams: two in-term exams (30%) and one final exam (35%)


  • Please use the discussion forum for all kinds of questions
    • Except personal administrative questions that should go to cpsc210-admin@cs.ubc.ca
  • Please have a look at our initial Piazza post and the "Appropriate Study Habits" section on the course page
  • Related industrial knowledge:

🧑‍💻 I accidentally did X. Now it doesn't work anymore. Please help!


  • All learning material on edX


  • Hosting your lab/project/lecture code repositories


  • Lecture Tickets and Exams

Schedule & Due Dates

Let's quickly check the course page...

Interactive Lectures

  • Hands-on "lecture labs" as part of each lecture
  • Engage with these exercises - this will help you a lot!
  • Prepare for lectures by reviewing videos!
  • An opportunity to get creative and design an application that is of interest to you
    • And maybe for future employers 😉
    • Some requirements and details will follow
  • It is entirely your own work!

Term Project

  • Weekly time to:
    • complete new lab tasks
    • discuss (for a grade!) lab/project submissions with your TA
  • Optional this week: Drop in to any lab section or complete Lab 1 on your own time.  See the course page for the due date
  • Attendance at your registered lab section is required, starting next week.



  • The focus of this course: object-oriented design (OOD)
  • We will use the language Java to illustrate OOD
  • The teaching approach will be immersive: you will learn Java in a similar way as a developer would learn it
  • We will dive into existing systems and ask ourselves:
    • What's similar to what I already know?
    • What's different to what I already know?
  • Leveraging what we already know is the best approach to learning a new language

OO Design & Java


Let's get started!!

CPSC210 - Introduction

By meghanallen

CPSC210 - Introduction

  • 76