Effective Deployments

Mike Sherov

Head of Bit Moving

Behance Team @ Adobe

Do you care about the website?

Effective deployments are quick AND safe

Quick Deployments

  • Build tools must run quickly
  • The queue mustn't be bottlenecked
  • Deployers must be prepared to verify
  • No one in the queue must roll back
  • Deployer must be able to debug build failures effectively

Quick Deployments

As the build step is happening, you should...

  • Create a written list of things you need to do to verify the change.
  • Open up all of the dashboards you will need to look at.
  • If you don't have standard checklist dashes open, create a bookmark folder for them.

Quick Deployments

Avoid rollbacks!

  • Stage absolutely must not be the first time you have exercised your changes.
  • A rollback from stage wastes about 15 minutes of time
  • A rollback from prod wastes about 20 minutes of time

Quick Deployments

Debugging Build Step Failures

  • Open logs from build, look for failure msgs
  • Run the build step locally with full rebase
  • Look at trends to detect recent flakiness
  • After all that fails, hit up slack channels

Quick Deployments

Debugging Deploy Step Failures

  • Hit up slack channels
  • Don't accept answers you don't understand

Safe Deployments

  • Ensure it's the right time to be deploying
  • Verify use cases thoroughly before reaching PROD and once again in PROD
  • Communicate the change appropriately
  • Know where to look for trouble
  • Don't mark as good you fully verify it as safe
  • Hang out in slack channels for a bit after deploy
  • Don't be afraid to emergency rollback / lockdown

Safe Deployments

Make sure it's the right time to be deploying

  • Don't deploy non-urgent changes after 5PM
  • Don't deploy big changes on a Friday
  • Is there are a code freeze soon?

Safe Deployments

Make sure it works on your local first

  • Do you need to add fixtures?
  • Have you tested in multiple browsers?
  • Is your local PHP the right version?
  • Have you run tests/linters locally?
  • Have you actually thought deeply about how to verify this change?
  • Have you checked with design?

Safe Deployments

Communicate your change

  • Have you told community what the change is and why? It's failure mode? It's benefit?
  • Have you looped in design for design review?
  • Have you looped in ops if the change can have stability / perf implications?

Safe Deployments

Using Logging

  • Do you have the dashboards open?
  • Do you know how to search logs?

Safe Deployments

Using NewRelic

  • Do you have PHP Errors open?
  • Do you have JS Errors open?
  • DO you know how to drill into PHP errors?
  • Do you know how to drill into Perf issues?

Safe Deployments

Let it simmer 5 minutes
before marking as good.

  • Some issues take several minutes to surface on any dashboard... it's OK, take your time!
  • Test out the fix 1 or 2 more times while you wait.
  • Look into other error messages or dashboards while you wait!

Safe Deployments

Assume any issue that comes up after your deploy was from your deploy

  • If someone is deploying behind you, and they start experiencing issues in PROD, assume it's your fault.
  • If community raises an issue shortly after your deploy, think about how it could be your issue.

Safe Deployments

Emergency rollbacks / lockdowns

  • If you already marked as good, a Moonbeam admin can use emergency rollbacks to deploy a previous deploy to PROD.
  • If fix can't be quickly found, put Moonbeam into lockdown mode, this prevents anyone from building and overwriting your rollback.
  • Ensure next PR that goes up is either a reversion of the offending PR or fixes the offending PR.

Safe Deployments

What it feels like

  • You aren't nervous going to PROD
  • You are spending less time debugging PROD issues
  • Less firefights
  • Less complaints from the millions of daily users

What Questions do You Have?

Effective Deployments

By mikesherov

Effective Deployments

  • 1,852