Practices Of An
Agile Developer
Mike Sherov
<insert some joke title here>
Behance Team @ Adobe
Andy Hunt
Signer - Agile Manifesto
Author - Pragmatic Programmer
Dr. Venkat Subramaniam
Professor - University of Houston
Founder - Agile Developer, Inc.
When: Authored in 2006
What: Spiritual Manual, One of the "Most Influential"
Why: Software Craftsmanship
Personal History
- Came at pivotal moment in my journey, from individual contributor to team lead.
Taught me principles of craftmanship to live by.
Suggested transformational systems of development that we take for granted today.
What is Agile Development?
- NOT any specific agile process, like Scrum
- NOT Rigid systems, like Waterfall.
- NOT Helter Skelter systems, like "Startup Scramble"
What is Agile Development?
- A set of development techniques that produce high quality software, capable of responding to shifting needs of the user and market.
- Sounds great, but.... while most agile practices are obvious wins, they are hard to internalize and practice consistently.
How does this book help?
- Institutionalizes knowledge. Essentially the bible
- Reference card for all the practices
- Simple to follow structure:

- A quote from the devil
- 2-3 pages of narrative
- A quote from the angel
- What does it feel like?
- Keeping your balance
- Beginning Agility - Agile Mindset
- Feeding Agility - Background Team Practices
- Delivering What Users Want - listening to feedback
- Agile Feedback - Unit Testing Practices
- Agile Coding - Coding Best Practices
- Agile Debugging - Maintaining healthy systems
- Agile Collaboration - How to develop in Teams
- Moving to Agility - How to move orgs to Agile (my fave)
Beginning Agility
Work for Outcome
Quick Fixes Become Quicksand
Criticize Ideas, Not People
Damn the Torpedoes, Go Ahead
Feeding Agility
- Keep Up with Change
- Invest in Your Team
- Know When to Unlearn
- Question Until You Understand
- Feel the Rhythm
Delivering What Users Want
Let Customers Make Decisions
Let Design Guide, Not Dictate
Justify Technology Use
Keep It Releasable
Integrate Early, Integrate Often
Automate Deployment Early
Get Frequent Feedback Using Demos
Use Short Iterations, Release in Increments
Fixed Prices Are Broken Promises
Agile Feedback
Put Angels on Your Shoulders
Use It Before You Build It
Different Makes a Difference
Automate Acceptance Testing
Measure Real Progress
Listen to Users
Agile Coding
Program Intently and Expressively
Communicate in Code
Actively Evaluate Trade-Offs
Code in Increments
Keep It Simple
Write Cohesive Code
Tell, Don’t Ask
Substitute by Contract
Agile Debugging
Keep a Solutions Log
Warnings Are Really Errors
Attack Problems in Isolation
Report All Exceptions
Provide Useful Error Messages
Agile Collaboration
Schedule Regular Face Time
Architects Must Write Code
Practice Collective Ownership
Be a Mentor
Allow People to Figure It Out
Share Code Only When Ready
Review Code
Keep Others Informed
Moving to Agility
Just One New Practice
Rescuing a Failing Project
Introducing Agility: The Manager’s Guide
Introducing Agility: The Programmer’s Guide
The End?
Practices Of An Agile Developer
By mikesherov
Practices Of An Agile Developer
- 1,874