Cyborg as a Framework
Milan Herda

Framework - User expectations
- It will provide me with an installer
- I will have a working website after the installation
- I can configure it
- I can choose my set of additional libraries (plugins)
- I can rewrite the initial website code
- I am able to do upgrades of the framework and of the plugins
- I may be forced to do some rewrites during the upgrade (when upgrading to new major versions and possibly some minor versions)
- I have an option not to do upgrades
Cyborg Framework needs to provide
- Philosophy
- Set of core libraries
- Set of additional libraries (DS, plugins)
- Skeleton for default application
- Installer
- Ways to configure the application
- Ways to override parts of the application
- Semantic versioning for its parts
We no longer develop
an application.

We are now developing
a set of tools and libraries

Usage & Development Examples
Four points of view & four types of teams
📰 Job Board Teams
🤖 Cyborg Team
🎨 Design System Team
🧩 Feature Teams
📰 Job Board Team
📰 Job Board Team: Installation
- Every Job Board has its own Git repository
- Initial creation is done via @almacareer/create-cyborg command
- Creates new default Job Board
- Plugin selection
- Configuration & possible overrides & overwrites
- Push to the repository
📰 Job Board Team: Local Development
- clone of the Job Board repository installed locally
- customization done via
- configuration (yaml files)
- environment variables
- code modification of their copy of installed application
- custom plugins
📰 Job Board Team: Release
Release = Deployment to production
- Independently of Cyborg, Design System or Feature Component teams
📰 Job Board Team: Upgrades
- Needs to update all Cyborg packages (core, DS, plugins...)
- Team should do upgrades regularly
- Proceed to upgrade the same way as to any other NPM package
- Read Changelogs for every library and plugin
- Follow the advices
- Apply codemods if able and were provided
📰 Job Board Team: Requests for Features
Job Board team needs some new features in core libraries, Design System libraries or plugins
- asks other team to implement it
- creates a PR in a repository of another team
📰 Job Board Team: Responsibilities
- Works in its own repository
- Every Job Board has its own Git repository
- Responsible for:
- specific Job Board
- selection of enabled plugins
- customization
- which version of Cyborg and libs to use
🤖 Cyborg Team

🤖 Cyborg Team
🤖 Cyborg Team: Setup
- clone of platform-frontends monorepo installed locally
apps/jobportal works both
- as a testing application
- and as a skeleton for new Job Boards
- possible another testing installation inside repository, but outside of monorepo workspace
🤖 Cyborg Team: Local Development
- working inside monorepo
- possible testing inside ad-hoc installation(s) created by @almacareer/create-cyborg command
🤖 Cyborg Team: Release
Release = Publishing of a new version of core NPM packages
- using conventional commits to determine next version number
- generated CHANGELOG for each release
- all core packages versioned by the same number*
- publishing done manually on a regular basis (once per week/sprint)*
* May be subject to change, but we want to try this approach
🤖 Cyborg Team: Upgrades
- Needs to upgrade all packages developed outside of monorepo
- Team should do upgrades regularly and often (each sprint)
🤖 Cyborg Team: Requests for Features
Cyborg Team should not need to ask other teams for new features
Some possible exceptions:
- Code Quality Tools
- Spirit / Job Board Design System
- ask other team
- create PR and ask for merge
🤖 Cyborg Team: Responsibilities
- Works in platform-frontends monorepo
- Responsible for:
- framework philosophy & documentation
- core framework libraries (configuration, routing, DI...)
- support framework libraries (translations)
- installation command
- default (initial) Job Board skeleton
- codemods and tutorials for easy upgrades
🎨 Design System Team
🎨 Design System Team: Setup
- clone of spirit-design-system monorepo installed locally
- clone of platform-frontends monorepo installed locally
apps/jobportal works both
- as a testing application
- and as a skeleton for new Job Boards
🎨 Design System Team: Local Development
- working inside Spirit and Cyborg monorepos
- possible testing inside ad-hoc installation(s) created by @almacareer/create-cyborg command
🎨 Design System Team: Release
Release = Publishing of a new version of DS and UI NPM packages
- using their own versioning strategy, tooling and regularity in Spirit repository
- versioning strategy and regularity in Cyborg repository is a subject of further discussions
🎨 Design System Team: Upgrades
Team should not need to update Cyborg packages:
- they work in monorepos
- plugins from feature teams will be upgraded by Cyborg team
🎨 Design System Team: Requests for Features
- ask Cyborg team
- or create PR and ask for merge
🎨 Design System Team: Responsibilities
- Works in spirit-design-system and platform-frontends monorepos
- Responsible for:
- Design System philosophy & documentation
- UI components tailored for Job Boards
- generic UI components
🧩 Feature Team
🧩 Feature Team: Setup
- works in their own Git repository
- some changes temporarily inside Cyborg repository (Next.js routes)
- concrete setup (single repo, monorepo, multiple repos) is a decision of each Feature Team
- Cyborg and DS packages are installed via NPM
🧩 Feature Team: Local Development
- working inside their own repo(s)
- probably beneficial to have their own installation of Cyborg (similar to Job Board Team)
- default Job Board ( in the beginning)
- without any changes to initially generated code to allow easy upgrades
🧩 Feature Team: Release
Release = Publishing of a new version of plugin package(s)
- using their own versioning strategy, tooling and regularity in their repository
🧩 Feature Team: Upgrades
- Team should upgrade their dependencies on Cyborg packages regularly (per sprint).
- at least after each new major version
🧩 Feature Team: Requests for Features
- ask Cyborg team or Design System Team
- or create PR and ask for merge (Next.js routes)
🧩 Feature Team: Responsibilities
- works inside their own repository(ies)
- and platform-frontends (temporarily)
- responsibilities:
- developing functionally-specific plugins or libraries for Cyborg
- UI components for this functionality
- published as NPM package to private registry

Mind Shift
1. We are now developing a set of tools and libraries

2. We do not control which of our libraries and their version will be used*
* Except Job Board Teams

3. We do not push code to production*
* Except Job Board Teams

4. We do not control when, how and which version of our code gets into production
* Except Job Board Teams

Cyborg as a Framework Milan Herda 2025-03
Cyborg as a Framework
By Milan Herda
Cyborg as a Framework
- 15