
What does E-Safety mean to you?
Talk to the person next to you

What could possibly go wrong online?
So how can we stay safe?


Phishing Emails
What is Cyberbullying?
Leaving rude or hurtful comments on someones posts
Sharing images that someone doesn't want shared
Writing mean things about someone online
Saying hurtful things over a mic
It can occur:
- Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok
- Text messages or other messaging applications, e.g., WhatsApp
- Online forums such as reddit
- E-mails
- Online gaming communities such as Fortnite

How to Protect yourself from Cyberbullying?
If you think you are being bullied, the first thing to do is to reach out to someone you trust, such as your parents, your form tutor, or your favourite teacher.
If you are not comfortable talking to someone you know, you can call a helpline number.
When online, you can always block their account. On instagram in particular, when you block someone, it gives you the option to block any accounts they may make in the future too.

What is Phishing?
An email that is trying to steal your information.
They may ask you to click on a link giving you a time frame to do it with.
A sense of urgency.
The email may not be addressed to you directly, it may say,
"Dear user"
What should you do?

What should you do with a phishing email?
1. Do NOT click on any links
2. REPORT the email. Let someone know that you received it.
3. Do NOT reply to the email!
4. DELETE the email

Your Task
In Google Classroom there is a "Bad Presentation" slide deck, open it and then discuss in your OneNotes what is wrong with each slide and why it makes a bad presentation

By CJackson
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