PHP ❤ Enterprise

Who am I?

Christian Nastasi

IT Training Manager

Developing things starting
from 2000

Member of the Laravel Community

Nerd T-shirt lover

What I did the last
(almost) 3 years?

- Worked on a legacy project (10+ years old)

- Led and coached the team

- Saw what a legacy code can become

- Refactored part of that legacy code

- Built new stuff on that project

What's NOT the topic of the talk?

We are not covering all the practices and solutions needed for working on a legacy project

The topic is pretty big, and in order to give some value, I focused the talk in small and limited set of problems.

What's the topic of the talk?

There are some bad patterns that are recurrent and needs attention in order to avoid an increse of our technical debt.

We are going to simulate an evolving green field project.

I will give you some design hints in order to keep your architecture clean and maintanable.


This talk is based on my personal experience and studies

Due lack of time, some topics could be touched only slightly

May contains traces of houmour

The code showed in this talk are intentionally simple and it omits sometimes parts for educational purpose


What's an Enterprise Project?

No formal definition found, but for me it has:

- A very long life (years)

- Contains domain specific business logics

- Could be very structured

- It is a live project: often has to change / evolve

- There is one or more teams working on it

Common issues

- Often it is partially refactored (Frankenstein architecture)

- Lack of time means shortcuts (Growth of wrong dependencies and technical debt)

- It grows in complexity within the time (cost of maintanance exponential high)

- Often, domain logics, framework and persistence are tightly bounded

- Change requests / evolutions to the legacy are potentially disruptive

- There is no or low test coverage

In short terms

High technical debt

High maintance cost

High evolution cost

Low confidence in changes

But, as they say, facts are better than words

The use case

We have to develop an application for a library.

Add a book into the library
Search for a book


Add a book into
the library

A simple implementation

Route::post('books', AddBookController::class);
class AddBookController 
   public function __invoke (Request $request): JsonResponse 
      $validatedBookData = $request->validate([
      	'isbn'    => 'required|...', // simplified
        'title'   => 'required|min:2',
        'authors' => 'required|array|...' // simplified,
        'publishedAt' => 'required|date|...' // simplified
      $book = Book::create($validatedBookData);
      return response()->json($book, 201)
class Book extends Model
     protected $primaryKey = 'isbn';
     protected $fillable = ['isbn', 'title', 'authors', 'publishedAt'];

Logic blocks

class AddBookController 
   public function __invoke (Request $request): JsonResponse 
      $validatedBookData = $request->validate([
      	'isbn'    => 'required|...', // simplified
        'title'   => 'required|min:2',
        'authors' => 'required|array|...' // simplified,
        'publishedAt' => 'required|date|...' // simplified
      $book = Book::create($validatedBookData);
      return response()->json($book, 201)




Get the input

Change request:

Insert a book into
the library

 Using the command line

Easy, right?

Duplicated code


Don't repeat yourself

Just move the logic outside

class BookService
    public function add (array $data): void 
        $validator = Validator::make($data, [
            'isbn'    => 'required|...', // simplified
            'title'   => 'required|min:2',
            'authors' => 'required|array|...' // simplified,
            'publishedAt' => 'required|date|...' // simplified
        if ($validator->fails()) {
            throw new InvalidBookException($validator->errors()->toArray());
        $book = Book::create($validator->validated());


Don't repeat yourself

Try to centralize your business logic

Apply the single responsibility principle


Search for a book

Search for a book

Change request:

I would like that our users are able to find a book using words contained in the content of the book
We tried, but with the amout of books in our database a full text search is too slow with the actual technology stack that we have.
Then change it!

Typical problems:

  • We have a change request / evolution that are potentially disruptive in the actual technology stack
  • The database used right now are not the best choice for that use case, we should change it, at least for the search


  • We are using an ORM that aren't compatible with the technology we should use. Changing it means to touch the code in a several places, with the risk of introducing side effects


  • We are too coupled with the framework


Repository Pattern

Book Repository

interface BookRepository
    public function add (array $data): void; 
    public function findByIsbn(string $isbn): ?array;
    /** .... */
class EloquentBookRepository implements BookRepository
    public function add (array $data): void {
        /* Input Validation */
    public function findByIsbn(string $isbn): ?array {
    	return Book::find($isbn)->toArray();
    /** .... */


Coupling business logic and  infrastructure is risky

Depend on abstractions, not on concretions 

Why should I reinvent the wheel?

Wasted DB Access

Possible inconsistent rule between logics

Problem: ​Wasted db access

Some validation rule requires check on database
We waste time and resources doing the same operations every time per session
Those rules are duplicated

Solution: Caching

But cache is not a silver bullet

Ask yourself:

How frequently the information changes?

How often I need that information?

Cached Repository

final class CachedBookRepository implements BookRepository
    public function __construct(
        private BookRepository $bookRepository,
        private BookCache $bookCache
    ) {}
    public function add (array $data):void 
    public function findByIsbn(string $isbn):?array 
        if (!$bookCache->has($isbn)) {
            $book = $this->bookRepository->findByIsbn($isbn);
        return $bookCache->get($isbn);
interface BookCache
    public function has(string $isbn):bool;
    public function get(string $isbn):array;
    public function set(array $book):void;


Try to optimize I/O access when possible

Hide those optimizations behind abstractions

Problem: Inconsistency

We cannot trust the inputs, because we don't know from where the logic will be used in the future
We can't be sure that we are using the same validation rules everywhere
The validation rules are duplicated
Inconsistent data
Inconsistent behaviour

But before continuing, let's talk about primitives, types and data modeling in general

Primitives: The root of all evils

What's an age?
What's a phone number?
> 18
< 99
Only italian numbers
Prefix + 8 o 9 digits
Start with +
a number
a string
So I have to validate every time, everywhere, to be sure that the value is correct

Watch this

There's a bug.
Can you spot it?
class VeryUsefullClass 
   public function doSomething (int &$age): void {
      if ($age = 18) {
         // do your stuff
      else if ($age > 18) {
         // do other stuff
There's nothing that can prevent this situation
Are we sure?
What if we can define our own types?

What's a book?

publishing date

13 digits

Have a specific format


"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

At least 2 characters

[ "Douglas Adams" ]

At least one

Exists into the authors registry

At least 2 characters each

"September 27, 1995"

Valid date

Past the first book printed

Not too far into the future

Solution: Value Objects

final class Isbn
    private function __construct(public readonly string $value) 
    private function assertIsThirteenCharacters (string $value):void 
        strlen($value) == 13 or throw InvalidIsbn::tooShort($value);
    private function assertHasAValidFormat (string $value):void 
        // ISBN specific rules 
    public function __toString ():string 
        return $this->value; 
    public function equalsTo (Isbn $isbn):bool 
        return $isbn->value === $this->value;
    public static function fromString(string $isbn): Isbn 
        return new Isbn($isbn);

Solution: Value Objects

Self validating
Describes values / concepts of your domain
Protect you from the past yourself
If you have an instance of it, then you are pretty sure that your data is correct

Solution: Entities

final class Book
    public function __construct (
       public readonly Isbn $isbn,
       public readonly Title $title,
       public readonly Authors $authors,
       public readonly PublishingDate $publishedAt
    ) {}
    public function equalsTo (Book $book):bool 
        return $book->isbn->equalsTo($this->isbn);
    public static function create (
        string $isbn, 
        string $title, 
        array $authors, 
        string $publishedAt
    ): Book {
        return new Book (
    public function toArray ():array 
    	return [
           'isbn' => (string) $this->isbn,
           'title' => (string) $this->title,
           'authors' => $this->authors->toArray(),
           'publishAt' => (string) $this->publishedAt

What's next?


Domain Events

Hierarchic Errors


Use cases / services

Bounded contexts


Welcome into the DDD realm


Using a strong type system, prevent you from bugs and data inconsistency

The big picture

Let's refactor: Add Book

class AddBookRequest
   public function rules():array
      return [
      	'isbn' => 'required',
        'title' => 'required',
        'authors' => 'required',
        'publishedAt' => 'required'
   /* ... */


class AddBookController 
   public function __construct (private readonly AddBook $addBook) {}

   public function __invoke (AddBookRequest $request): JsonResponse 
      $book = Book::create(...$request->validated()); // It's our entity
      return response()->json($book->toArray(), 201)

Let's refactor: Add Book

final class AddBook
   public function __construct (
      private readonly BookRepository $bookRepository,
      private readonly EventDispatcher $dispatcher
   ) {}

   public function __invoke (Book $book): void 
      $this->bookRepository->add ($book);
      $this->dispatcher->dispatch (new BookAdded ($book));


Let's refactor: Add Book

interface BookRepository
    public function add (Book $book):void;
    public function findByIsbn (Isbn $isbn):?Book;


Let's refactor: Get Book

class GetBookController 
   public function __construct (private readonly GetBookByIsbn $getBookByIsbn) {}

   public function __invoke (string $isbnAsString): JsonResponse 
      $isbn = Isbn::fromString ($isbnAsString);
      $book = ($this->getBookByIsbn)($isbn); // Throws BookNotFound
      return response()->json($book->toArray(), 200)


Let's refactor: Get Book

final class GetBookByIsbn
   public function __construct (private readonly BookRepository $bookRepository) {}

   public function __invoke (Isbn $isbn): Book|never
      $book = $this->bookRepository->findByIsbn ($isbn);
      return $book ?? throw new BookNotFound ($isbn);


Let's refactor: Get Book

interface BookCache
    public function has (Isbn $isbn):bool;
    public function get (Isbn $isbn):?Book;
    public function set (Book $book):void;


Putting all together

Don't put your business logic into the entry points

Inject the logic from outside instead

Putting all together

Follow the rule: one logic, one place

Don't put the same logic in two places

Putting all together

Don't let your business logic knows about frameworks, libraries or infrastructures

Use abstractions in your business logics and let the concrete class knows about the implementation details.

Putting all together

Avoid repeating heavy I/O operations

Use caching policies when it make sense

Putting all together

Build your types instead.

Every class is a type

Don't use primitives


And also


PHP Love Enterprise

By Nastasi Christian

PHP Love Enterprise

  • 179