October 31, 2022 to November 5, 2022
CS Research 101

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00:00 - Introduction
01:23 - Motivation - why research?
05:05 - Audience question 1 - Is doing a PhD right after BTech alright?
..and so on.
CS Research 101
Road map
Why research?
- Explore and introspect whether I enjoy research
- Find ways to get started w that exploration
- Understand that it's going to be a slow process
CS Research 101
Road map
Why research?
- DOES NOT pertain to applying to grad schools etc.
CS Research 101
Road map
Modules 3 and 4
What skills you should look to pick up before/while doing research
CS Research 101
Road map
Modules 5
Enjoyed doing some research? Now consider grad school.
CS Research 101
"whats ur opinion about phd after btech??"
CS Research 101
"does participatory research is a good thing to start wid it as a new researcher??"
CS Research 101
"What does qualify as "good" research? I mean there are papers which target very specific domains and have practically no use.
Should it have an out-of-the-box idea or something like that which can actually imapct the world?"
CS Research 101
module 2
how do i start?
(continued from module 1)
Take your coursework seriously. Best place to start your journey
Some topics will stick and some won't: that's fine
Goal: get a good understanding of breadth of topics, and poke a few to go deeper
how do i start?
(continued from module 1)
Gets harder when no access to good courses: most colleges.
Online resources; Ensure you problem solve. GATE problems perhaps.
how do i start off? goal
Move from a romantic notion of a subject to a concrete one
Catch: Process will likely be hard
I find some topics very fascinating but I suck at them

what a research career is not
Huge commitment
what a research career is not
what a research career is not
Will lead to a high paying job
what a research career is not
Makes you this invincible authority
what a research career is not
Irrelevant to reality
what a research career is not
Requires a Ph.D. or similar advanced degrees
what a research career is not
Culminates in academia
Academia vs. industry
Lifestyle - increasingly this gap is reducing
Academia vs. industry
Academia ~ entrepreneurship
Industry - depends on the role, but most have limited autonomy
Academia vs. industrial research
Nature of problems tackled
Monetary benefits vs stability
module 3
- We've appreciated the importance of research; started assessing fit.
- We want to get started--liked a few courses.
Where are we in our journey?
What next?
- Talk to a professor
let them know what you found exciting in your course.
What next?

- Appreciate some basics
- Build skills
- Document these skills
What next?
You are being trained to be an entrepreneur
basics: taking initiative
The operative word in all this is you.
It does not matter what problem your advisor/manager finds exciting.
For you to enjoy working on a problem, you truly have to be bothered and intrigued by something you have identified.
basics: taking initiative
Why though?
Feynman on finding a problem that works for you
CS Research 101: Part 2
By Neeldhara Misra
CS Research 101: Part 2
- 707