October 31, 2022 to November 5, 2022
CS Research 101

Dear Prof. X,
I am an XYZ in CSE at YYY. I recently read your paper, "Streaming Coresets for Symmetric Tensor Factorization" and found it quite engaging. In particular, the idea of using coresets for real-time dimensionality reduction has piqued my interest.
In the past, I have studied generative adversarial networks for applications to high energy physics simulations, and have used tensors as a tool for general relativity. I am interesting in gaining research experience in the area of machine learning. I would love for an opportunity to work on a project with you.
Please let me know if there is an opening for a research assistant in your lab. Here is a [link] to my personal webpage where you can find listed the projects I have done in detail.
Hi prof. xxx
I have gone through your paper on “Bayesian Structural Adaptation for Continual Learning” and found it interesting. I have previously worked on Bayesian neural networks and inferred the posterior by approximating the evidence lower bound via monte carlo sampling.
You have used sparse binary matrices for structural learning.I think that using positive semidefinite matrices might give better accuracy due to their properties of unbiased estimators which reduce the complexity of the algorithm. I
would like to do a research project with you in order to develop this idea further. You can find my details at XYZ.
International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing, Symposium on Computational Geometry, International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE)
- Computing education: ACM Conference on International Computing Education , IEEE The Computer Journal
Computer architecture - University of Michigan Human computer interface - University of Washington Graphics and Computational Geometry - Stanford University Computing Education - Caltech
Professional degree
Paid programs
Few research programs
MS (outside India) vs. Ph.D.
Prof. Shriram Krishnamurthi talks about this perspective.
This is the amount some professor is going to pay to get you to work with them.
Are they then betting on the right student to work with?
The USD 500k perspective
How then? back to basics
do your homework - module 4
Find out who's doing what
Relatively inexpensive.
Relatively well defined entrance requirements: doing well in standardized national exams like GATE, etc.
Proximity to family and friends; cultural advantage
MS (Research), Ph.D. in India vs. outside
Concentration of faculty in any area
Peer group, exposure
New culture, experience
MS (Research), Ph.D. in India vs. outside
Concentration of faculty in any area
Peer group, exposure
New culture, experience
MS (Research), Ph.D. in India vs. outside
Top 3 in any country vs rest.
Who you work with is of utmost importance
which university
Doing an M.Tech/M.S. at any of (and only) the top universities in India
Doing an MS program outside India which has a strong thesis component + will fund you fully.
Working at a cutting edge corporate research lab. Finding such labs are hard, since they generally require advanced degrees to get in in the first place
No research during undergrad.
what next?

follow a template blindly, focus on applications,
not introspective

takes at least a year or more,
hard work
follow a template blindly, focus on applications,
not introspective
CS Research 101: Part 5
By Neeldhara Misra
CS Research 101: Part 5
- 672