DSA1 | Week 1
Data Structures: Just Some Structured Data
10:05 - 11:00 AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at (1/103)
16:05 – 18:00 Wednesdays at (7/108 and 7/109)
Office Hours
Open door policy (i.e, catch me if you can at AB 4/305)
Slides and (usually) notes → Moodle
Classes will not be recorded.
Lab & Theory Assignments
repl.it & Moodle (autograded*)
Lab & Theory Quizzes
repl.it & offline (pen and paper)
Announcements & Discussions
Email & Moodle
Grading policy
Weekly Assignments on Moodle: 2 * [top 10] = 20
Lab Assignments on repl.it: 1 * [top 10] = 10
Class participation via Mentimeter: 0.5 points per class capped at 10
Midsem Exam: 10 (lab) + 10 (theory) = 20
Final Exam: 10 (lab) + 15 (theory) = 25
Four quizzes (two theory, two lab & top 3 outcomes counted): 3 * 5 = 15
Lab Assignments are due by noon on Thursdays.
Weekly assignments will be released by noon on Thursdays and are due by midnight on Sundays.
Self-assessment (ungraded) quiz: 10th August
Theory Quiz 1: 06 Sep 2022
Lab Quiz 1: 07 Sep 2022
Theory Quiz 2: 25 Oct 2022
Lab Quiz 2: 26 Oct 2022
The last lab before the exam weeks will be an exam lab.
Progyan Das
Nipun Mahajan
Harshil Mittal
Yash More
Saraswati Nanoti
Labs & Theory
Week 1. Introduction
Week 2. Familiarize yourself with C & self-assessment quiz
Weeks 3 & 4: BFS/DFS + stacks/queues
Weeks 5 & 6: Spanning Trees & Disjoint Set Union
Weeks 7 & 8: Shortest Paths & Priority Queues
Weeks 9, 10 & 11: Trees, Tries, Suffix Trees/Arrays
Weeks 12 & 13: Sorting and Searching
Weeks 14 & 15: Balanced BSTs
Data Structures
Structured Data
You may remember some so-called primitive data types from your programming courses.
Booleans (true/false)
Numbers (integers, floating point, etc.)
Characters and Strings
You may also remember combining and manipulating these values for getting things done.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Start out with goals: things you want to do.
Think through the mechanics what you want to do.
Work out what would be the most useful way to store information to aid the mechanics.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Ace this class
Think through the mechanics what you want to do.
Work out what would be the most useful way to store information to aid the mechanics.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Ace this class
Study the night of the exam.
Work out what would be the most useful way to store information to aid the mechanics.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Ace this class
Study the night of the exam.
Maintain notes that will help you digest several weeks of material in a few hours.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Enjoy college life, YOLO
Study the night of the exam.
Maintain notes that will help you digest several weeks of material in a few hours.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Enjoy college life, YOLO
Never look at notes 👀
Maintain notes that will help you digest several weeks of material in a few hours.
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Enjoy college life, YOLO
Never look at notes 👀
[Nothing to do.]
Structured Data
We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Enjoy college life, YOLO
Never look at notes 👀
[Nothing to do.]
Structured Data

We are going to be doing more of this!
Goal: Enjoy college life, YOLO
Never look at notes 👀
[Nothing to do.]
Structured Data
How you store data depends on what you want to do with it!
Clothes in your cupboard
Structured Data

Suppose you want to represent the polynomial
\(x^2 - 7x + 12\)
How will you talk to your program
about this object?
I pick a number from 1-10.
The Game of 100
You pick a number from the next 10 numbers.
We go on like this until someone reaches 100.
First player to reach 100 wins.
Suppose you have 52 cards.
Storing a hand from a deck
You want to maintain a hand of five cards.
Given a card you want to know if it is in the hand.
You want to be able to add/remove/replace cards in the hand.
A Rubik Cube has six sides, and 9 squares on each side.
Solving a Cube
8 corner cubes, 12 edge cubes, 6 more cubes:
one in the center of each face,
and 1 cube (which doesn't actually exist
Given a shuffled state, you want to solve the cube.
The Game of Trust

my_points = 0
user_points = 0
user_move_1 = input("Input 1 for Cooperate and 0 for Cheat.")
#Sanity check input:
if(user_move_1 != 1 and user_move_1 != 0):
express disappointment and abort
##My first move is to cooperate:
my_points += -1
user_points += 3
my_points += 3
user_points -= 1
Majority Mover
This player looks at your entire game history, and:
cooperates if you have cooperated more than you have cheated,
cheats if you have cheated more than you have cooperated,
and acts randomly otherwise.
Random Player
This one chooses a number K between 1 and N uniformly at random,
(where N is the number of rounds played so far)
and mimics the other player's Kth move.
Some more logistics
Notes: https://dsanotes.netlify.app/
Email: neeldhara.m@iitgn.ac.in
Slides: https://slides.com/neeldhara/dsa1-wXX
XX = 01,02,...,15
Please send me a note if you have NOT received a notification from Moodle.
Sets & Sequential Data
The atomic types have served us well,
but it is now time to build on them.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new
apartment complex.
The builder can block any contiguous chunk
of N houses for you.
Your list of clients may evolve over time.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.

Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.
Say you are a real estate agent &
need to reserve some houses in a new apartment complex.