CSS Float
One of the main tools for layouting (post tables and pre flexbox)
Tables are hard to write and maintain. There’s a performance penalty (flickering white page)
Flexbox is becoming more mainstream
CSS grid is still relatively new
Understanding float will make you a calmer, happier person :)
Basic rules
floating an element will cause it to "float" to the side, until it reaches the container or hits another floated element.
making an element “float” takes the element out of normal page flow. the element is no longer inline or block. it is "float" (behaves similar to inline-block)
the size of the element is determined by its content
Basic rules - cont.
a floated element will wrap if there is no room for it (width wise) in the container
block elements after the floated element will act as if the floated element is not there
inline elements will wrap around it
Weird stuff...
the height of a container containing float elements ignores the floated elements
inline elements inside block elements coming after floats will wrap around the floats even though the block element ignores the float
a float (for instance, left) coming *after* inline text will appear on the left side and the last line of the text, to the right of it (??)
Non float box containing text after float boxes
Different height float blocks will wrap unexpectedly
Fixing the container collapse
overflow:hidden or overflow:auto
Have the risk of showing scrollbars or hiding content
Problematic if the container has a height or max-height
Floating the container
clearing means that an element coming after floats will "see" them and take its place *after* them.
this has the effect of fixing the container height to take into account the height of the floats
clear:left/right means "see left/right floated elements" clear:both means see both
- most of the times we want to clear a container containing floats *right before* the closing tag of the container
// uses :after to create an empty block element that is cleared at the end of a container
.clearfix:after {
<div class="clearfix">
<div style="float:right"></div>
<div style="float:right"></div>
<div style="float:right"></div>
<div style="float:right"></div>
CSS float
By Netcraft
CSS float
- 568