Scroll Mode


Presentations are great for presenting.

Web pages are great for reading.

Now youR deck can be both.

Share any slide deck as a scrollable web page. Works for all of your decks. No edits needed.

Slide 2

Slide 1

SlidE 3

Turn this...

Into this

Slide 2

Slide 1

SlidE 3

Turn this...

Into this

The scrollbar is split by slide

Slide 2

Slide 1

SlidE 3

Into this

The scrollbar is split by slide

Slide 2

Slide 1

SlidE 3

The scrollbar is split by slide

Look For the new scroll view where you share decks.

Try a few more decks in scroll mode.

Or append /scroll to any DECK URL.



Available today for all users.
Sign in and try it out with your decks.

Scroll Mode

By Slides News

Scroll Mode

Introducing Scroll Mode: a new way to view slide decks as scrollable web pages. Works for all your existing decks with no edits needed.

  • 5,599