The CHARA Array:

The sharpest eyes in the world

nic scott

Telescope Systems Scientist



-LESIA/Obs Paris







Applied Physics

-biomedical optics

-medical physics






-long baseline optical interferometry

Who am I?

Early Research


-RR Lyrae


biomedical optics

-laser/tissue interactions

-pulsed Er:YAG laser scalpel


-kidney/urinary stones

-other urology


Georgia State University

The CHARA Array is operated by the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy at Georgia State University in Atlanta.

The two-telescope CLASSIC beam combiner

University of Michigan

The MIRC-X H-band combiner. A six-telescope cryogenic K-band beam combiner, MYSTIC

University of Exeter

The upgrades to the six-telescope MIRC-X combiner

l’Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur

SPICA combines all six-telescopes and provides a range of spectral dispersions at visible wavelengths.

Sydney University

Precision Astronomical Visible Observations (PAVO) instrument

Australian National University

The (PAVO) visible beam combiner

Université de Limoges

the ALOHA fiber experiment.

Kyoto Sangyo University

Pushing the sensitivity limits of the Array in order to resolve the cores of Active Galactic Nuclei.

National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory

Open access time at the CHARA Array is available to the astronomical community through the National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIR Lab). 

The CHARA Consortium

Preliminary planning: 1985

engineering studies: 1992

Georgia State $5.6-million 5-telescope array: 1994

NSF capital investment to nearly $6.3-million.

University has provided matching funds in a similar amount.

Ground broken: 1996

Keck Foundation $1.5-million to add a 6th telescope: 1998

First fringes: 1999

The Array achieved starlight fringes on its 331-meter baseline, the longest baseline (by a factor of three) ever achieved by an optical interferometer: 2000

Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy
Georgia State University, Atlanta
Director: Douglas Gies




Mount Wilson Observatory, California
Director: Gail Schaefer
16 staff members onsite
Operations funded through the NSF, GSU, collaboration partners

Fizeau & Michelson

Brown & Twiss



1920 - measured Betelgeuse (with Pease)

1956 - HBT effect, correlation b/t coherent photons

Intensity interferometry

details can be gained through interferometric measures





ELTs will be 16x sharper than Hubble ... but CHARA is 17x sharper than ELTs

(though a 30m telescope does have 150x the collecting area of the Array)



What's an arcsecond (aka arcsec or ")?

an angular measurement = 1/3600 of a degree = 1/60 of an arcminute (')

apparent diameter full Moon ~ 30', or 0.5° = 1800" = 1,800,000 milliarcsec (mas)

One mas is ~ a half dollar, seen from a distance equal to that between the Washington Monument and the Eiffel Tower.

One microarcsecond (µas) ~ a period at the end of a sentence in the Apollo mission manuals left on the Moon as seen from Earth.

human eye angular resolution ~ 1'

One arcsecond (") ~ width of a hair at arm's length.

There's about 5077 stars visible by naked eye.


If you hold an iphone out at arm's distance, there’re about 50 visible stars in that amount of sky.


There’re estimated to be 200 billion galaxies.


An iphone 12 screen pixel is ~ 0.3mm.


There’re about 1,400 galaxies in the area of that single pixel.


An estimate of the number of stars per galaxy is 100 billion.


So that puts ~

140 trillion stars in the area of that single pixel

The Array is capable of resolving details as small as 200 micro-arcseconds, equivalent to the angular size of a nickel (0,20€) coin seen from a distance of 10,000 miles (16,000 km).


up to 331m

the CHARA Array

Spatial resolution

• 0.20 mas at R (650 nm)

• 0.52 mas at H (1.67 μm)

• 0.66 mas at K (2.13 μm)

34 to 331m

  • 15 baselines
  • 10 closure triangles

the CHARA Array

"the CHARA Array continues to offer exceptional opportunities for scientific discovery using the longest operating baselines in the world among optical/near-IR interferometers"







Max spatial resolution

• 0.06 mas at R (650 nm)

• 0.16 mas at H (1.67 μm)

• 0.20 mas at K (2.13 μm)

17 to 1100m

  • 36 possible baselines: array + CMAP [6+3]  (15 simultaneous)

The full Michelson Array would offer 12 total positions, creating 66 possible baselines.

  • 0.20 mas at R (650 nm)
  • 0.52 mas at H (1.67 μm)
  • 0.66 mas at K (2.13 μm)















BEAM Reduction


Image credit: ESO



Lawson 2003, S&T

Limb darkened vs Uniform disk



flux ratio


V = \frac{I_{max}-I_{min}}{I_{max}+I_{min}}


(CHARA Michelson Array Pathfinder)

Mobile Telescope Transport (TR116)

Ligon et al. 2022



ALOHA – Univ. Limoges
Single-mode PM fibers
λ=810 nm,  240 m long
Laying on the ground
Connect S1+S2
On-sky fringes
Magri, Grossard, Reynaud et al. (submitted)
Single-mode PM fibers
λ=1.6 μm, 650 m long
Trench: 18 inches deep

The full Michelson Array would offer

12 total positions, creating 66 possible baselines.

Lanthermann et al. 2022



MIRC-X disperses light across several spectral channels and operates in the J and H-bands. MYSTIC operates in the  K-band. MIRC-X/MYSTIC can be used simultaneously to create images of stellar surfaces and circumstellar disks.  The precision closure phases are well suited to detecting faint binary companions.

Three spectral modes are currently available in the H-band: prism R=50 (8 spectral channels), prism R=102, and grism R=190. A higher resolution grism with R=1170 is available (with approval)


Anugu 2020


MYSTIC, the Michigan Young STar Imager at CHARA is a K-band, cryogenic, 6-beam combiner. All-in-One 6T or high sensitivity 4T gravity chip

A 4-telescope mode for MYSTIC using an integrated optics component designed for the VLTI-GRAVITY experiment is under development and will provide better sensitivity for the faintest targets.

MYSTIC is available in the K-band using a low-resolution R=49 prism. Additional spectra modes (prism R=22, grism R=278, grism R=981, grism R=1724)

Setterholm et al. 2023

Pannetier et al. 2021


(Stellar Parameters and Imaging with a Cophased Array)

SPICA-FT H-band 6-beam ABCD combiner by VLC Photonics, inspired by GRAVITY

low-resolution mode uses MIRC-X for fringe-tracking

The goal of the SPICA project is to provide a large and homogeneous set of stellar parameters across the HR-diagram. The survey aims to measure the angular diameters of 1000 stars.

Low-resolution spectrograph for measuring precise angular diameters (R=150, 50 channels over 650–950 nm).

For a sub-sample of bright stars, medium (R=4300) and high (R=13,200) spectral resolution modes will be available for spectral imaging of stellar surfaces and environments and kinematic studies.


Currently have two injection stages


(CHARA Array Integrated Optics Testbed)

collaboration with Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)

ULI optics for JHK bands

(Siliprandi, Labadie, Madhav, Dinkelaker, Thompson, Benoît)

Science Drivers

  • multiple star systems
  • time domain astronomy
  • YSOs/planetary formation
  • evolved stars
  • starspots/surface imaging
  • exozodis
  • AGN
  • exoplanet hosts

There are some 250 known exoplanets with host stars accessible to CHARA (Dec>-30 deg, V < 7). The new baselines will enable resolution of solar-like stars out to about 70pc in H-band. Numerical simulations of the transiting hot-Jupiter in HD189773 indicate that the shape of the silhouette of the planet can be measured in long baseline observations made during transits.

The Gaia orbits give the center-of-light motion of unresolved binaries, and a single resolved CHARA observation is sufficient to determine the full orbit and masses. High angular resolution observations also reveal how interacting stars are transformed by mass exchange.

Ashley Elliott 2024

Diameters of Stars

Ashley Elliott (LSU) has compiled interferometric measurements from CHARA and more to create an empirical HR diagram.


Ang Dia. + Parallax  → Linear Radius

Diameter + Bolometric Flux → Teff

  • masses and ages from evolutionary tracks/isochrones
  • evolutionary models
  • color-magnitude relations
  • surface brightness relations
  • asteroseismic scaling relations



693 stars, σθ < 5%


~50% of the stars you see are binaries

~25% are triples

-on avg there's an exoplanet per star

~10% of Sun-like stars likely host rocky exoplanets, more for lower-mass stars

-40-50% of Kepler/K2/TESS objects of interest may have companions

-biases occurrence rates & underestimates exoplanet radii by 50%

Binary & Multiples

Castor A and B

  • resolved the inner binary components
  • masses and 3D orbits
  • mutual orientations of the different components.

HD 284163

hierarchical quadruple system

  • orbits of the inner (2.39 d) and first outer (43.1 yr) are    nearly orthogonal
  • Accurate masses including that of the secondary
  • (0.5245 ± 0.0047 M) is now the lowest mass star with a dynamical mass measurement in the Hyades cluster.

ARMADA astrometry survey to search for triple systems among known intermediate mass binaries.  

  •  ~ 20 - 50 μas residuals
  • potentially could detect Jupiter-mass exoplanets in binaries.


Spotted magnetic stars

Rapid Rotators

Zet And

Sig Gem

Lam And

θ = 2.7 mas

θ = 2.5 mas

θ = 2.4 mas

Resolved stellar surfaces

Expansion curve of Nova Del 2013.

  • Changes in apparent expansion – optically thick core surrounded by diffuse envelope that cools over time
  • Geometric disk: 4.5 kpc
  • Asymmetric shape detected as early as 2d

Image Reconstruction of AZ Cyg
Norris et al. (2021)

Model Simulation
Chiavassa et al. (2010)

Giant star surfaces

Be stars

P = 12.9 d
a = 0.87 mas

Imaging Luminous Stars

The cool hypergiant star RW Cep experienced a Great Dimming event in 2022:

  • imaged near photometric minimum
  • H & K-band images show an asymmetric intensity distribution and a distorted shape
  • NIR spectroscopy found fading increased towards shorter wavelengths
  • implicates dust formation from stellar ejecta as the explanation for the fading and unusual appearance.  

Patchy appearance results from dust created by a huge ejection from the star

Illustration credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Wheatley (STScI)

Anugu and colleagues are continuing to monitor the star with CHARA to explore how the surface appearance changes as the star brightens again.  

What causes 1.2 mag
drop in V-band flux?

Disks Around Young Stars

The disks around T Tau type and other Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) are the birthplaces of planets, and interferometric imaging offers important clues about the environments surrounding planet formation.

SU Aur

MIRC-X observations of  to build a model of the circumstellar disk's geometric and physical properties.  

  • inclined and warped
  • flux mainly comes from the illuminated far side of the disk
  • near side partially obscures the central star
  • dust emission indicate formation of a disk wind from the upper and lower boundaries of the warped disk.


luminous Herbig Be star HD 190073

  •  YSO disk is viewed almost face-on (i<20°)
  • clear view of the full extent of the inner gas disk.
  • discovered a bright spot in the disk that migrated by 27° over of 32 days  

Gleise 486

  • M3.5 V star at ~8 pc
  • transit every 1.467 days.
  • MIRC-X angular size of the the host star
  • physical radius and effective temperature.  
  • transit light curve  ratio of planetary to stellar radius
  • exoplanet diameter
  • HPRV captured the reflex motion of the star and led to an exoplanet mass
  • model of the interior structure and possible atmosphere of this other world in the solar neighborhood.

Exoplanet Systems

Interferometric observations of exoplanet host stars provide the means to determine the detailed stellar characteristics that are required to find the exoplanet properties.

  • Radius and Teff of host
  • Mass + age from evolutionary tracks
  • Size of habitable zone
  • Radius of transiting planets


\theta_* =0.390 \pm 0.018 \text{ mas}
\text{ r}_p = 1.34 \pm 0.06 \text{ r}_{\bigoplus}
m_p = 3.00 \pm 0.13 m_{\bigoplus}

Exoplanet Systems

Planet formation is generally considered in the context of young stars, but mass loss in older stars may also play a role in making planets at the end of a star's life.  



Circumbinary disk with close to a polar alignment with respect to the binary orbit.

  • Any planet formed in the disk would be relatively stable.
  • central cavity in the disk could be result of such a planet.

If so, represents the first example of a polar circumbinary planet.

Image credit: Dr Mark A. Garlick /

post-AGB star AC Her 

  • binary system
  • surrounded large disk of gas and dust.
  • Anugu determined the first 3D orbit for AC Her
  • first for any post-AGB system

→ the large cavity in the center of the circumbinary disk is not created by the tidal action of the central binary.

Future: Image an exoplanet during transit

There are some 250 known exoplanets with host stars accessible to CHARA.


The new baselines will enable resolution of solar-like stars out to about 70pc in H-band.


Numerical simulations of the transiting hot-Jupiter in HD189773 indicate that the shape of the silhouette of the planet can be measured in long baseline observations made during transits.

NGC 4151

Active Galactic Nuclei

bright central region of the active galactic nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151.  

  • Central structure resolved at the 0.5 mas scale.
  • ring-like structure viewed at an inclination of 40°
  • perpendicular to the radio jet
  • K-band flux probably originates in a dust sublimation region on the face of the torus surrounding the black hole.

Early results from CHARA already show that the innermost dusty region in NGC 4151 is aligned perpendicularly to the jet axis.

Future Plans

  • Telescope dichroic replacement
  • more automated alignment and tracking
  • new/upgraded labAO system
  • visible TelAO
  • TEMA replacement
  • new telescope drives, cylinder drives
  • fibers to all telescopes (PM fused silica, 1550nm H-band 1st, 1350 nm – 1470 nm metrology)
  • nuller "Achromatic photonic tricouplers for application in nulling interferometry" - Martinod et al. 2021
  • W5/Channel 13 site (1100m)
    • 0.16 mas at H, 65 μas at R
  • double-pass delay (90m tracking delay)
  • Narcissus Mirror for SILMARIL (& CHARIOT)

  • 2m central telescope
  • The Michelson Array
  • Quantum photonics experiments
  • up to 300 nights over three years of open access time via (NOIRLab).

  • Snapshot Imaging Mode to encourage new investigations. 

bonus slides

The Rayleigh criterion and the tyranny of the atmosphere

\Theta = 1.22 \lambda/d
\approx \lambda / r_0

but in atmosphere, turbulent cells limit resolution to 


a method to obtain diffraction-limited resolution across the full aperture of a large telescope

 long exposure

speckles blur

produce Airy pattern

true images are impossible, only centrosymmetric objects can be reconstructed, but later work fixed this (mostly)

speckle pattern is the Fourier transform of telescope pupil

autocorrelation of speckles

(in Fourier space)


(time-averaged intensity)

  • Explore the apparent variability of known exozodis
    • long-term monitoring
    • ​clues to source and formation of the dust
  • Expand strong exozodi sample
    • ​leveraging LBTI and prior surveys​​
    • from ~100 \(\rightarrow\) ~1000 objects  
  • Use spectral dispersion to resolve the thermal/scattered dilemma
  • Risk mitigation for coronagraphy/starshade missions
  • Target selection and characterization for mid/large missions (HWO, Plato, etc)
    • ​exozodis likely to be dominant noise source
  • Precision diameters and fundamental astrophysics

following slides stolen from EXOPAG 23:

  • Planewave:
    • 2-3 yrs until a 2 meter
    • $2.5 million ea
    • > 2 magnitudes deeper
    • move existing telescopes to CMAP sites?
      • 1m outriggers?
    • 6x2m + 4x1m array? 45 baselines!
  • JWST plenary talk:
    • “imaging interferometers are coming online”
  • How to get more hands at the Array/instrumentation interest
    • REU options
    • Shadow-a-Scientist programs
    • Collaborations/Partners
  • Funding
    • NSF wants astronomers to compete for MSIPs with MSRI funds
    • Workshops on centers of excellence, partnerships with industry (TIP)
    • Could chara get solar panel funding?
    • Grow local and state politician interest/investment?

Some thoughts from AAS 241









Solar Masses


  • get transmission spectrum of the atmosphere
  • measure different radii at different wavelegnths to give clues to composition


up to 140m

Closure phases also yield information about source symmetry

Turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere corrupts the phase of the fringes at optical and near-infrared wavelengths.  To recover the phase information, we combine the phases measured in a closed triangle of three telescopes in a way that cancels out the atmospheric turbulence.

Spectrally dispersed fringes produce differential visibilities and differential phases where the visibility and phase of emission lines (like H-alpha or Br-gamma) are measured relative to the stellar continuum. The differential quantities can be used to measure the size and velocity structure of rotating circumstellar disks, outflows, and winds around stars.

Differential Visibilities and Differential Phases

Differential visibilities (left) and differential phases (right) measured for a star surrounded by a circumstellar disk (Meilland et al. 2012, A&A, 538, 110). The drop in the visibility across the emission lines indicate that the disk is more resolved than the stellar continuum.  The double-peaked profile corresponds to the blue and red shifted sides of the rotating disk. The S-shaped profile in the differential phase shows a shift in the photo-center across the wavelength channels.

Fringe spacing

Fringe orientation

Fringe Depth (contrast)

Binary separation

Binary position angle

Binary magnitude difference

(delta mag)

relation semimajor-axis (a) and the period (T)

masses of objects

wide binary

close binary



use this to calibrate Mass-Luminosity relationship for single stars



(CHARA Array Integrated Optics Testbed)

collaboration with Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)

ULI optics for JHK bands

(Siliprandi, Labadie, Madhav, Dinkelaker, Thompson, Benoît)

Coupling ratio evolutions of (input coupling waveguide) and R2(λ) in blue diamonds of a writing beam combiner characterized by coupling input light in the two external PT1 and PT2 inputs to obtain two experimental measurements of the 3 dB asymmetric directional coupler (a, b) and one for each photometric asymmetric Tap directional couplers, as Tap 1 (c) and Tap 2 (d)

Siliprandi et al. 2022

All we have to measure is light from a distant how can we find out so much about them?





What can we measure from light?


  • Intensity ("flux")
    • photometry
      • magnitudes
      • transits
  • Wavelength ("color")
    • spectrum
      • radial velocity
      • composition
    • incandescence
    • emission
    • absorption
  • Interference
  • Polarization
  • Timing

Old but interesting. Perhaps a reader is ready to modernize the list?? I believe this is from Shapley's book "Beyond the Observatory."


“Thirty Deductions from a Glimmer of Starlight”

Harlow Shapley

… let us return to a consideration of what modern astronomers can find out about a single star. I shall list here thirty facts that we can now deduce from appropriate studies of a single star image. The first eighteen of these facts can be discovered about any star.

1.    The position in the sky with reference to other stars.

2.    The apparent magnitude (brightness) with reference to stellar or artificial standards.

3.    The color index (found by comparing the brightness in various spectrum intervals—that is, measuring the color tint: reddish, yellowish, greenish, or bluish).

4.    The variability in light; it may be zero.

5.    The spectral class in two dimensions.

6.    The variability, if any, in spectral class.

7.    The chemical composition of the stellar atmosphere and the consequent nature of the atomic transformations that maintain the radiation.

8.    The approximate age.

9.    Whether it is a single or double (found in various ways).

10.    The existence and strength of its magnetic field.

11.    The involvement with interstellar nebulosity.

12.    The speed of rotation.

13.    The tilt of the rotational axis.

14.    The speed in the line of sight, and variations, regular or irregular in that speed.

15.    The cross motion—measurable only if the distance of the star is small or the speed is great.

16.    The surface temperature.

17.    The total luminosity (candle power).

18.    The diameter.

The next eight facts can also be learned if the star is an eclipsing binary—a double star whose light varies because the two members of the system periodically eclipse each other.

1.    The mean density of the two components.

2.    The period of revolution.

3.    The geometry of the eclipse—and whether it is total or partial.

4.    The degree of darkening at the lib.

5.    The ratio of the sizes of the two components.

6.    The eccentricity of the relative orbit.

7.    The inclination of the orbital plane.

8.    The approximate distance.

And about a Cepheid variable—a star that varies in light periodically because of pulsations—four additional facts can be found.

1.    The shape of the light curve.

2.    The period of pulsation.

3.    The population of membership.

4.    The approximate distance.

magnetic fields

For many stars, we can now add: the frequencies and amplitudes of its oscillations (asteroseismology)

presence of planets

Let's consider the state-of-the-art in "single star images" - resolved interferometric imaging in the optical can yield:
* Stellar shapes - eg. particularly oblateness for rapid rotators
* Surface brightness distribution - including star spots, stellar limb darkening, gravity darkening
* Interior temperature structure of the upper atmosphere (by inverting the limb darkening)
* For rapid rotators, gravity darkening can directly indicate the degree of convective versus radiative energy transfer
* And the star spots can make Bryan happy by giving insight into magnetic fields 😎

CHARA intro

By Nic Scott

CHARA intro

  • 340