The CHARA Array:
updates and new undertakings
nic scott
Telescope Systems Scientist
review of the array
The Array is capable of resolving details as small as 200 micro-arcseconds, equivalent to the angular size of a nickel (0,20€) coin seen from a distance of 10,000 miles (16,000 km).
Fizeau & Michelson
Brown & Twiss
1920 - measured Betelgeuse (with Pease)
1956 - HBT effect, correlation b/t coherent photons
Intensity interferometry
Preliminary planning: 1985
engineering studies: 1992
Georgia State $5.6-million 5-telescope array: 1994
NSF capital investment to nearly $6.3-million.
University has provided matching funds in a similar amount.
Ground broken: 1996
Keck Foundation $1.5-million to add a 6th telescope: 1998
first fringes: 1999
the Array achieved starlight fringes on its 331-meter baseline, the longest baseline (by a factor of three) ever achieved by an optical interferometer: 2000
- 0.20 mas at R (650 nm)
- 0.52 mas at H (1.67 μm)
- 0.66 mas at K (2.13 μm)
staff changes
- Theo (the director) retired
- Larry the site manager retired
- Laszlo and Judit (optical, mechanical, electrical engineers) retired
New hires:
- Narsi Anugu
- Rob Ligon
- Nic Scott
...New Projects, new combiners
AO+6T observing is regular now, soon most nights may be 6T IR+VIS with MIRC-X, MYSTIC, & SPICA running simulataneously
(CHARA Michelson Array Pathfinder)
Mobile Telescope Transport (TR116)
Ligon et al. 2022
The full Michelson Array would offer
12 total positions, creating 66 possible baselines.
current/new combiners
Lanthermann et al. 2022
MIRC-X disperses light across several spectral channels and operates in the J and H-bands. MYSTIC operates in the K-band. MIRC-X/MYSTIC can be used simultaneously to create images of stellar surfaces and circumstellar disks. The precision closure phases are well suited to detecting faint binary companions.
Three spectral modes are currently available in the H-band: prism R=50 (8 spectral channels), prism R=102, and grism R=190. A higher resolution grism with R=1170 is available (with approval)
Anugu 2020
MYSTIC, the Michigan Young STar Imager at CHARA is a K-band, cryogenic, 6-beam combiner. All-in-One 6T or high sensitivity 4T gravity chip
A 4-telescope mode for MYSTIC using an integrated optics component designed for the VLTI-GRAVITY experiment is under development and will provide better sensitivity for the faintest targets.
MYSTIC is available in the K-band using a low-resolution R=49 prism. Additional spectra modes (prism R=22, grism R=278, grism R=981, grism R=1724)
Setterholm et al. 2023
Pannetier et al. 2021
(Stellar Parameters and Imaging with a Cophased Array)
SPICA-FT H-band 6-beam ABCD combiner by VLC Photonics, inspired by GRAVITY
low-resolution mode uses MIRC-X for fringe-tracking
The goal of the SPICA project is to provide a large and homogeneous set of stellar parameters across the HR-diagram. The survey aims to measure the angular diameters of 1000 stars.
Low-resolution spectrograph for measuring precise angular diameters (R=150, 50 channels over 650–950 nm).
For a sub-sample of bright stars, medium (R=4300) and high (R=13,200) spectral resolution modes will be available for spectral imaging of stellar surfaces and environments and kinematic studies.
(CHARA Array Integrated Optics Testbed)
collaboration with Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
ULI optics for JHK bands
(Siliprandi, Labadie, Madhav, Dinkelaker, Thompson, Benoît)
Currently have two injection stages, CRED1 arrives this year
Coupling ratio evolutions of (input coupling waveguide) and R2(λ) in blue diamonds of a writing beam combiner characterized by coupling input light in the two external PT1 and PT2 inputs to obtain two experimental measurements of the 3 dB asymmetric directional coupler (a, b) and one for each photometric asymmetric Tap directional couplers, as Tap 1 (c) and Tap 2 (d)
Siliprandi et al. 2022
future plans
- Telescope dichroic replacement
- more automated alignment and tracking
- new/upgraded labAO system
- TEMA replacement
- new telescope drives, cylinder drives
- fibers to all telescopes (PM fused silica, 1550nm H-band 1st, 1350 nm – 1470 nm metrology)
- nuller "Achromatic photonic tricouplers for application in nulling interferometry" - Martinod et al. 2021
- W5/Channel 13 site (1100m)
- 0.16 mas at H, 65 μas at R
- double-pass delay (90m tracking delay)
Narcissus Mirror for SILMARIL
- The Michelson Array
- 2m central telescope?
up to 300 nights over three years of open access time via (NOIRLab).
Snapshot Imaging Mode to encourage new investigations.
science drivers
- multiple star systems
- time domain astronomy
- YSOs/planetary formation
- evolved stars
- starspots/surface imaging
- exozodis
- exoplanet hosts
There are some 250 known exoplanets with host stars accessible to CHARA (Dec>-30 deg, V < 7). The new baselines will enable resolution of solar-like stars out to about 70pc in H-band. Numerical simulations of the transiting hot-Jupiter in HD189773 indicate that the shape of the silhouette of the planet can be measured in long baseline observations made during transits.
The Gaia orbits give the center-of-light motion of unresolved binaries, and a single resolved CHARA observation is sufficient to determine the full orbit and masses. High angular resolution observations also reveal how interacting stars are transformed by mass exchange.
NGC 4151
Early results from CHARA already show that the innermost dusty region in NGC 4151 is aligned perpendicularly to the jet axis.
Explore the apparent variability of known exozodis
- long-term monitoring
- clues to source and formation of the dust
Expand strong exozodi sample
- leveraging LBTI and prior surveys
- from ~100 \(\rightarrow\) ~1000 objects
- Use spectral dispersion to resolve the thermal/scattered dilemma
- Risk mitigation for coronagraphy/starshade missions
Target selection and characterization for mid/large missions (HWO, Plato, etc)
- exozodis likely to be dominant noise source
- Precision diameters and fundamental astrophysics
following slides stolen from EXOPAG 23:
- 2-3 yrs until a 2 meter
- $2.5 million ea
- > 2 magnitudes deeper
move existing telescopes to CMAP sites?
- 1m outriggers?
- 6x2m + 4x1m array? 45 baselines!
JWST plenary talk:
- “imaging interferometers are coming online”
How to get more hands at the Array/instrumentation interest
- REU options
- Shadow-a-Scientist programs
- Collaborations/Partners
- NSF wants astronomers to compete for MSIPs with MSRI funds
- Workshops on centers of excellence, partnerships with industry (TIP)
- Could chara get solar panel funding?
- Grow local and state politician interest/investment?
Some thoughts from AAS 241
Be stars
Spotted magnetic stars
Interacting binaries
Expansion curve of Nova Del 2013.
Regulus -- Che et al. 2011, ApJ, 732, 68
Rasalhague -- Zhao et al. 2009, ApJ, 701, 209
Altair -- Monnier et al. 2007, Science, 317, 324
Alderamin -- Zhao et al. 2009, ApJ, 701, 209
Beta Cas -- Che et al. 2011, ApJ, 732, 68
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By Nic Scott
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