
🎨  7.1 - The Unknown

In this lecture

  • The unknown; types of unknowns
  • The role of the unknown in Software Engineering
    • The role of the unknown in developing new software
    • The role of the unknown in working with existing software
  • Software Longevity
  • Collaborative Engineering

A brief step back - what makes good software?

The Unknown

  • Two types of hard problems:
    • Easy to understand, hard to solve
    • Hard to understand, easy to solve
  • Two types of unknowns

    • Known unknowns - we know that it exists, but we don't know what it is

    • Unknown unknowns - that which we had never even thought to consider

  • ​Learn to deal with unknowns gracefully as they arise 

I: The Role of The Unknown in Developing New Software 

The Software Development Lifecycle

Traditional Engineering: The Big Design Up Front

  • One step at a time
  • Ensure the current step is perfect before moving onto the next one
  • A big design up front
  • Project can take months-years to complete

Difficulties Presented by the Unknown

  • The game changes
    • ​Changing market
    • Changing client expectations
    • Changing technical world
  • Evolution of Requirements
  • Too many unknown unknowns to be able to design everything up-front
  • There comes a need to learn through experience and iterate on design

Iterative Design

  • Work in sprints, iterations, milestones
  • 'Agile' software development
  • Many variants - eXtreme programming, Rapid Application Development, Kanban, Scrum
  • Design incrementally
    • Adapt to changes in requirements
    • Discover and deal with problems in design as they arise

Problems with Purely Iterative Design

  • No clear sense of direction/trajectory
  • In poorly designed systems, adaptations to new requirements become smaller-scale 'workarounds' - limit functionality/decrease maintainability
  • Tendency to 'make it up as we go along'
  • "The only thing worse than a big design up front is no design up front"

A solution?

  • High Level Design
    • Design a broad overview up-front
    • A framework to begin development
    • Set the trajectory and boundaries of work at the start
  • Adapt and change the design during development as needed
  • Design up-front a solution that is open for extension, reusable, etc.
  • Complete work in small increments and improve iteratively

Requirements Engineering


  • As systems grow in size and complexity, so do their requirements
  • Requirements become harder to:
    • ​​Communicate, on the side of the client;
    • Understand, on the side of the engineer
  • Domains are often highly specific, nuanced and complex
  • Requirements Analysis might be better termed Engineering
  • The problem space grows around us with our understanding
  • Transformation of the unknown into the known
  • Often, this requires us to dive into the deep end and start actualising solutions in order to better understand what the problem is
  • We have to make assumptions to limit the contract to which we program

II: The Role of The Unknown in Working with Existing Software

Now, and Later


  • What about later?
  • 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years... 15 years?
  • What happens when code grows and systems get bigger?



  • Code becomes more complex as it grows in size
  • Cyclomatic complexity
  • More complexity leads to:
    • ​More scope for errors to creep in;
    • Higher risk of software breaking;
    • More unknown unknowns
    • Too many possible combinations to predict up-front

Software Becomes a Beast


  • When software reaches a certain level of complexity, it becomes alive, and constantly moving
  • We can no longer informally reason about it with certainty; behaviour can become unpredictable
  • Changes in one class/package have far-reaching unpredictable effects due to coupling
  • Testing becomes essential here
  • Monolith Repositories
    • ​Large applications, with all the code inside a single repository
    • Slower build and Continuous Integration times
    • More inertia - harder to ship new features
    • More incidents, bugs and defects due to mathematical complexity
    • Industry is moving towards microservice architecture

Technical Debt & Trade-offs


  • In large-scale software systems, the design decisions you make today will have consequences for years to come.
  • Every design decision comes with a cost (termed "technical debt")
  • This cost must later be paid back in the form of maintenance, refactoring, or rewriting
  • ​Design decisions are often a matter of picking the deal that is least-worst in the long run - no easy way out
  • Opportunity cost - pick one or the other
  • All software architecture and design consists of making trade-offs

How to deal with the unknown here?



  • Code Hygiene - take care of your code, and your code will take care of you 
  • Rigorous testing is essential
  • A Symbiotic Relationship between Product and Engineering
    • Sacrifice time spent shipping new features now to maintain software hygiene, meaning we can still ship new features later
    • Slower today, faster forever

Software Longevity


  • Difficult challenges:
    • Dealing with code that you wrote weeks, months or years ago
    • Dealing with code that other people wrote weeks, months and years ago
  • In large-scale software systems, many software components are treated as black-boxes since the original author is no longer present and no one understands how it works!
  • Can often be a tendency to completely migrate (move) systems rather than maintaining or decomposing existing legacy infrastructure
  • Software has a very fast turnover compared to other forms of engineering

Longevity and the Open-Closed Principle


  • There can be a tendency to build around existing software rather than going in and making changes
  • In some philosophical respects, this is the open-closed principle
  • The band-aid problem

Parting Thoughts on Longevity


  • Mark of well-written code:
    • It remains intact for a long time
    • And new engineers are able to onboard and understand how it functions
  • Bugs lying dormant - Human tendency to ignore that which we do not immediately understand or must analyse - leads to problems in legacy codebases remaining unchecked before surfacing

Collaborative Engineering


  • Pair assignment - dealing with the unknown together
  • Bounce ideas off one another
  • Review each others' work - design reviews, test reviews, code reviews
  • Pair programming
    • One person codes, one person watches

COMP2511 23T2 - 7.1 - The Unknown

By npatrikeos

COMP2511 23T2 - 7.1 - The Unknown

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