Programming in the Large

+ The Project


In this lecture


  • Understand the broader context of the project and software design in the SDLC
  • Compare sequential and iterative design
  • Introduce the project
  • Discuss industry best-practice approaches for developing software

The Software Development Lifecycle

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

Where does it all fit in?

  • Product concept: How can we solve the problem with software?
  • Product design: Epics, user stories, acceptance criteria, UI design
  • Stack design: frontend, backend, data layer, integrations
  • Software design (OO): Entities, objects, relationships (UML diagram)

Project Intro

The Big Design Up-Front vs Incremental Design

"Traditional Engineering"

  • One step at a time
  • Ensure the current step is perfect before moving onto the next one
  • A big design up front
  • Project can take months-years to complete

Problems with Designing Up-Front

  1. The game changes
    • ​Changing market
    • Changing client expectations
    • Changing technical world
  2. Evolution of Requirements
  3. Too many unknown unknowns


Two types of unknowns:

  1. Known unknowns - we know that it exists, but we don't know what it is
  2. Unknown unknowns - that which we had never even thought to consider


System Complexity

  • Systems become exponentially more complex as they grow in size 
  • Complexity leads to unknown unknowns
  • This is why things go wrong
  • Learn to deal with unknowns gracefully as they arise

Iterative Design

  • Work in sprints, iterations, milestones
  • 'Agile' software development
  • Many variants - eXtreme programming, Rapid Application Development, Kanban, Scrum
  • Design incrementally
    • Adapt to changes in requirements
    • Discover and deal with problems in design as they arise

Problems with Incremental Design

  • No clear sense of direction/trajectory
  • In poorly designed systems, adaptations to new requirements become smaller-scale 'workarounds' - limit functionality/decrease maintainability
  • Tendency to 'make it up as we go along'

A solution?

  • High Level Design
    • Design a broad overview up-front
    • A framework to begin development
    • Set the trajectory and boundaries of work at the start
  • Adapt and change the design during development as needed
  • Design up-front a solution that is open for extension, reusable, etc.
  • Complete work in small increments and improve iteratively
  • Milestone 1 

Project Management

  • There is always too much work and not enough time and resources in Software Engineering
  • Prioritisation - what's the most important?
  • Work to complete is a Priority Queue
  • Incremental development
    • Start with the most basic working app
    • Minimum Viable Product


  • Breakdown of tasks
    • Use High Level Design to break work down into tickets / tasks
    • Highlight logical dependencies between tickets
    • Create tickets at the smallest possible feature level
  • Determine priorities for each ticket (high, medium, low)
  • Determine story points for each ticket
    • Assign points based on relative complexity

Software Delivery

  • We are emphasising how you deliver your software rather than how you manage your project
  • Process to follow for each ticket (See Section 12.3.1 of the spec)
  • Slower today, faster forever

Best Practice PRs

  • A good pull request / merge request:
    • Touches as few files as it can
    • Has a clear title and description, or links to documentation
  • A bad pull request:
    • Contains irrelevant changes
    • Contains accidentally committed files
    • Contains a very large number of changes (should split PR - into sections, or work your way up the dependency tree)

Bad PR Example

Good PR Example


  • Communicating design is difficult, especially when the requirements are complex
  • Pair up on tickets - developer, reviewer
  • Real teamwork and collaboration - you can't slice up the pie
  • Agile practices
    • Standups & "communication saturation"
    • Keep Kanban up to date


  • Four key areas:
    • Correctness
    • Design
    • Testing (Wednesday lecture)
    • Delivery
  • Quality over quantity


  • Everyone needs to write code and contribute to documentation (PM, UML, etc.)
  • Tutor & project check-ins - mentoring & guidance
  • Dealing with teamwork problems:
    • Make an active effort to resolve internally
    • Speak to your tutor
    • Email
  • Individual blogging


  • Please be patient
  • Start today

COMP2511 22T2: Programming in the Large

By npatrikeos

COMP2511 22T2: Programming in the Large

  • 264