
3.4 - Design 🏠

Data Modelling 

In this lecture


  • Principles of database design
  • Entity Relationship diagrams



What is good database design?


  • Spreadsheets - bad database design?
    • Relationships between data are hard to map and keep track of
    • Data can be duplicated - DRY - data redundancy
    • Hard to validate (but not impossible)
    • Fields are not atomic

Data Integrity


  • Entity Integrity - all records have a valid unique identifier
  • Referential Integrity - all foreign keys in a table must refer to a valid record in the corresponding table
  • Domain Integrity - values in fields are valid and accurate

ER Diagrams

Modelling Entities

Let's model our Student and Program entities from before using Chen notation.

Modelling Relationships


  • 1:1 - foreign key in table A references one primary key in table B
  • 1:M - multiple foreign keys in table A reference one primary key in table B
  • N:M - need to resolve this - otherwise data fields become non-atomic 
    • Use a junction table to resolve to a series of 1:M relationships

Putting it into practice


  1. Analyse the service requirements
  2. Determine what data needs to be persistent
  3. Define Entity Relationship / data model


  1. Determine what data needs to be accessed / manipulated
  2. Define and test queries
  3. Incorporate into your application logic

SENG2021 3.4 - Design - Data Modelling

By npatrikeos

SENG2021 3.4 - Design - Data Modelling

  • 382