
🔨 5.2 - Tools

Frontend Fundamentals

In this lecture


  • How to create static webpages with HTML
  • How to style webpages with CSS
  • How to create dynamic webpages with JS
  • How to create applications with ReactJS


  • Hyper-text Markup Language
  • Skeleton of webpages
    • Headings
    • Text (paragraphs)
    • Nesting tags and lists
    • Link tags and attributes
    • Images and self-closing tags


  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • Provides styling to the webpage structure of HTML
  • Three types of CSS
    • Inline - via the style attribute of a HTML tag
    • Internal - via a <style> tag in the head of a HTML page
    • External - via an external stylesheet


  • Selectors - tag type, id, class
  • Attributes - lots of them!
  • CSS Box Model


  • The programming language of web frontends
  • Used to:
    • Dynamically manipulate properties of HTML pages
    • Communicate between the interface layer and other layers
  • Programming constructs
    • Console log, alerts, prompts,
    • If, for
    • Functions
    • Event listeners and webpage manipulation


  • "A JavaScript library for building user interfaces"
  • Why React?
    • Usability
    • Well supported and documented
    • No refresh or reload of the page required
  • Demo a simple website


SENG2021 5.2 - Frontend Fundamentals

By npatrikeos

SENG2021 5.2 - Frontend Fundamentals

  • 191