Why so many rebellions in France?
What does the left?

Neoliberalism's role
in the resurgence of Fascism

liberty, equality, fraternity

security, meritocracy, hope [1]


before Macron:

after Macron:

What happens in France?

Acceleration of neoliberal policies

  • Privatization of Assets
  • Privatization of services/state-missions
  • Deregulation of the job market
  • Deregulation of finance
  • De-industrialization (relocated, dismantled)
  • Creating  markets opened to global competition
  • Reducing public expenditure
  • Reducing public/state income
  • Limiting subsidies
  • Encouraging freedom of trade

Fighthing for our Social protection (1946-2019)

What happens in France?

Concentration of media by a few billionaires

What happens in France?

Billionaires' propaganda (pro-capital, racism to divide, …)

What happens in France?

Increase of inequalities between rich and poor

What happens in France?

Increase of inequalities between rich and poor

What happens in France?

Increase of inequalities between rich and poor

What happens in France?

How do people react?
Peaceful protest (mostly) - No strike (almost)

  • 2010: protest against pension reform
  • 2016, 2017: demonstration against labor reform encouraging precarious jobs & deminishing employees' rights
  • protests against climate inaction (government convicted)
  • protests against tax inequalities: Gilets Jaunes/Yellow vests
  • protest against COVID vaccine pass (vs parlement, any proof?! )
  • demonstration of the health workers
  • demonstration of the firemen
  • protest against the reform of the judicial police
  • protest against cost of goods & climate inaction
  • oct. 2022: strike of fuel depot workers !!!

What happens in France?

Violent repression of Macron's governments

What happens in France?

Violent repression of Macron's governments

What happens in France?

Violent repression of Macron's governments

How answers the left?

Disunited for the presidential elections

How answers the left?

Disunited for the presidential elections

+ 40 thematic booklets !!!!

Macron: 3 weeks
before elections

How answers the left?

Re-united for the parliamentary elections

How answers the left?

Supporting strike movements

How answers the left?

Demonstration to defend our values and show our strength

With Annie Ernaux, Nobel price in literature 2022 demonstrating with NUPES against cost of life and climate inaction (oct. 2022)

How answers the left?

Meeting people

How answers the left?

Re-politicizing with small local Action Groups (~20 max.)

How answers the left?

Debunking fascist/neoliberal ideology & their disinformation

ex.: "France des assistés" ("France of assisted persons")

#1: National solidarity is a right, not a privilege
#2: Everyone is assisted, even you
#3: Being eligible to legal aid doesn't make you lazy, nor a scrounge
#4: work == employment? Not always, people unemployed can work
#5: No, No! Income support/aids are not higher than the minimum wage
#6: France isn't more generous than other countries
#7: Solidarity is the foundation of human societies
#8: No one is happy to be poor
#9: Divide and rule policy

How answers the left?

Showing how fascism & neoliberalism help each other

How answers the left?

Showing how fascism & neoliberalism help each other

Rise of fascism

+13% increase of racist & anti-religious crimes

Rise of fascism

a deputy from far right
shouts "go back to Africa" in the parliament !!


Maximal sanction:

50% decrease in salary
from 7493€ to 3746€


Can we understand the rise of fascism?

People disgusted with governments operating like a mafia

Can we understand the rise of fascism?

People disgusted with governments operating like a mafia

Can we understand the rise of fascism?

People disgusted with governments operating like a mafia

Can we understand the rise of fascism?

People disgusted with governments operating like a mafia

The Making of Autocrats

Injustice of (neo)liberalism paved the way to far right parties

Autocrats can-be/are-being elected globally:

  • they weaponize fear amongs people in social distress
  • they exploits religions
  • they rewrite history
  • no democratic mechanisms to prevent them to assault democratic institutions
  • once elected, they undermine institutions, rewrite constitutions
  • presidential system of checks & balances is very hard in a context of extreme polarization
  • "There is an imminent, authoritarian threat [...] we need a very broad coalition [... ] to finish this transition to multiracial democracy"

To Prevent an Autocracy,
Defeat Liberalism First

Research shows:

  • it is innate to wish for equality
  • we can acknowledge fair/unfair inequalities
  • we need to fight unfair inequalities for society to succeed
    • fight corruption
    • promote social justice (economic, political, social rights, ...)
  • inequalities are more bearable where the welfare state is strong

the left against neoliberalism and fascism

By Patrick Merlot

the left against neoliberalism and fascism

  • 101