Welcome to PicCollage!
Make the world
more fun and creative!
Vanity Metrics
750,000+ ★★★★★ reviews
Top 10 photo app in 155 countries
Top #1 photo app in 43 countries
Vanity Metrics
Actionable Metrics
Vanity metrics make you feel good, but they don't give you guidance on what to do.
Actionable Metrics
Funnels (new user, IAP, etc)
Cohort Analysis
1d, 7d retention
App Store Reviews
Spend time figuring out the right metrics to target, and make decisions based on that.
PicCollage Culture
Work Smart
Design Thinking
Always Be Learning
Hack. Play. Love. Share.
Fun, Creative, International
Work Smart
Design Thinking
Always Be Learning
Hack. Play. Love. Share.
Fun, Creative, International
How do you build a
great company...
How do you build a
great company...
from Taiwan?
How do we build
great companies
from Taiwan?
From Taiwan to the World.
Let's do it. Together.
Events @ PicCollageCocoaheads (iOS), Android Taipei,
VR Taipei, Golang Meetup,
UI/UX Designers Night
Team @ PicCollage
By piccollage
- 1,584