• A new Router to guide you

    Vue official router has been a pleasure to build apps with but as the community grows, so do the router needs. However, it hasn't kept up as good as I wish it had with all the good proposals out there. As a result, we have also taken more time to work on the new version of Vue router and shaping an API that will serve Vue 2 and Vue 3. A more extensible router, easier to contribute and new architecture from scratch. Let's talk about what has changed in the new Router and all the improvements we are bringing.

  • A new Router to guide your apps

    Vue official router has been a pleasure to build apps with but as the community grows, so do the router needs. However, it hasn't kept up as good as I wish it had with all the good proposals out there. As a result, we have also taken more time to work on the new version of Vue router and shaping an API that will serve Vue 2 and Vue 3. A more extensible router, easier to contribute and new architecture from scratch. Let's talk about what has changed in the new Router and all the improvements we are bringing.

  • Modern FrontEnd Routing

    When you develop a Single Page Application, you have to use a Router. It's a common use case, yet every single framework has its own router, React even has multiple ones you can choose from. And even though each framework is different and every router takes a different approach, they all share the same principles. Understanding those helps us handle routing in our SPA because behind all those simple, different APIs provided by framework specific routers, a more complex architecture is hidden from us. Let's talk about the different types of routers out there and what makes them different and understand if you really need a router for every front end framework by using Vue Router implementation as an example

  • The present and future of Vue Router

    When we develop single-page applications, we have to use a router. Every single framework has its own router, React even has multiple ones you can choose from. And even though each framework is different and every router takes a different approach, they all share the same principles. What is behind a simple and easy-to-use API? Is it really that difficult to create your own SPA router? What are the different approaches and their advantages, caveats? Let's talk about the existing different approaches we see in SPA routers, today's Vue Router implementation and what is coming for the next versions of Vue Router

  • Extremely Light, Lazy Asynchronous Patterns for Vue Apps

    We keep shipping more and more features in our Web applications, and as a result, we ship heavier apps that take more time to load. So we use bundlers like webpack to split our application code into multiple bundles and load them asynchronously. As a result, we end up having asynchronous code pretty much everywhere in our apps. This means that we need to handle unexpected errors that were otherwise impossible, like network ones, handle loading state and make sure the application is able to recover from these errors. During this talk, we will take a look at different patterns about handling asynchronous request correctly in Vue applications in order to make our Apps feel light, fast and reliable everywhere.

  • How does a frontend router work? Deep dive with Vue Router

    When we develop single-page applications, we have to use a router. Every single framework has its own router, React even has multiple ones you can choose from. And even though each framework is different and every router takes a different approach, they all share the same principles. What is behind a simple and easy-to-use API? Is it really that difficult to create your own SPA router? What are the different approaches and their advantages, caveats? Let's answer all these questions by comparing different routers and taking a deeper dive into Vue Router.

  • Making your Vue apps faster by being lazy

    We keep shipping more and more features in our Web applications, and as a result, we ship heavier apps that take more time to load. So we use bundlers like webpack to split our application code into multiple bundles and load them asynchronously. As a result, we end up having asynchronous code pretty much everywhere in our apps. This means that we need to handle unexpected errors that were otherwise impossible, like network ones, handle loading state and make sure the application is able to recover from these errors. During this talk, we will take a look at different patterns about handling asynchronous request correctly in Vue applications in order to make our Apps feel light, fast and reliable everywhere.

  • Como funciona Vue Router

    Cuando desarrollamos una Single Page Application, es necesario usar un Router. Cada framework tiene su propio router, React incluso tiene varios paquetes disponibles. Y, aunque cada framework sea diferente y cada router tenga un enfoque diferente, todos comparten los mismos principios. Que se esconde destrás de una API simple y fácil de usar? Es realmente tán dificil implementar un router por sí mismo? Que cosas fallan hoy en día en Vue Router? Durante esta charla, responderemos a estas preguntas usando el Router oficial de Vue como ejemplo y explicando su funcionamiento interno.

  • Light, lazy asynchronous patterns for Vue Apps

    We keep shipping more and more features in our Web applications, and as a result, we ship heavier apps that take more time to load. So we use bundlers like webpack to split our application code into multiple bundles and load them asynchronously. As a result, we end up having asynchronous code pretty much everywhere in our apps. This means that we need to handle unexpected errors that were otherwise impossible, like network ones, handle loading state and make sure the application is able to recover from these errors. During this talk, we will take a look at different patterns about handling asynchronous request correctly in Vue applications in order to make our Apps feel light, fast and reliable everywhere.

  • Animations beyond CSS - Webexpo

    Aah, animations. Moving things on the screen will either fascinate your users or make them close your app right away. Add no animations and your users will feel sometimes lost. Add too much and they will be disgusted. But, to make it harder, animations by themselves have to be configured just right to have a meaning. Speed, duration and the object being animated have to be set just right. Now, Vue already provides us with two nice components: transition and transition-group that are based on CSS animations. But what about the state? Numerical values that change and you want to animate. During my talk, I will explain what state transitions are, how they differ from CSS transitions, what are they used for and show some practical implementations. We will cover good and bad practices while we delight ourselves with some demos.

  • Malabarisme d'Emojis

    Les Emojis sont de plus en plus utilisés partout. Connus comme les successeurs de l'unicode, ceux-ci cachent quelques secrets qui vous aideront à mieux comprendre l'encodage de ceux-ci et leur différentes représentations. Pendant ce talk, on comprendra ce qui se passe quand on écrit 🧟‍♀️ ou encore 👨🏾, on parlera un peu de ligatures, d'échapements en JS et HTML et on apprendra à composer des emoji ensemble pour en créer des nouvea

  • Animations in Vue.js - Paris

    Aah, animations. Moving things on the screen will either fascinate your users or make them close your app right away. Add no animations and your users will feel sometimes lost. Add too much and they will be disgusted. But, to make it harder, animations by themselves have to be configured just right to have a meaning. Speed, duration and the object being animated have to be set just right. Now, Vue already provides us with two nice components: transition and transition-group that are based on CSS animations. But what about the state? Numerical values that change and you want to animate. During my talk, I will explain what state transitions are, how they differ from CSS transitions, what are they used for and show some practical implementations. We will cover good and bad practices while we delight ourselves with some demos.

  • Animate Much More - Vue.js Bcn

    Aah, animations. Moving things on the screen will either fascinate your users or make them close your app right away. Add no animations and your users will feel sometimes lost. Add too much and they will be disgusted. But, to make it harder, animations by themselves have to be configured just right to have a meaning. Speed, duration and the object being animated have to be set just right. Now, Vue already provides us with two nice components: transition and transition-group that are based on CSS animations. But what about the state? Numerical values that change and you want to animate. During my talk, I will explain what state transitions are, how they differ from CSS transitions, what are they used for and show some practical implementations. We will cover good and bad practices while we delight ourselves with some demos.

  • Beyond Html with Vue

    8m Lighting talk about building non html components

  • Vue, simple yet scalable

    Vue is known for being approachable and also for having good docs. However, it has also been said that it’s not well suited for big applications. While this is not true, some believed it wasn’t and as a consequence, discarded it as a possible choice for their next application even though they were enjoying very much developing applications with Vue. During this talk I will elaborate on what makes Vue simple to approach by exploring its mindset and its associated features. Then we will understand why it is called a progressive framework by learning how to progressively adopt official solutions like vue-router and vuex.

  • State Animations with Vue

    Aah, animations. Moving things on the screen will either fascinate your users or make them close your app right away. Add no animations and your users will feel sometimes lost. Add too much and they will be disgusted. But, to make it harder, animations by themselves have to be configured just right to have a meaning. Speed, duration and the object being animated have to be set just right. Now, Vue already provides us with two nice components: transition and transition-group that are based on CSS animations. But what about the state? Numerical values that change and you want to animate. During my talk, I will explain what state transitions are, how they differ from CSS transitions, what are they used for and show some practical implementations. We will cover good and bad practices while we delight ourselves with some demos.

  • Copy of Introduction à Vue 2

    Slides du Meetup LyonJS le 17/01/2017 https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/LyonJS/events/236644715/ https://vuejs.org https://vuejs.org/guide https://vuejs.org/api https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue https://forum.vuejs.org https://medium.com/the-vue-point https://vuejobs.com https://conf.vuejs.org