RERO thrown into Bibframe

Nicolas Prongué, RERO (Switzerland)

Lightning talk
3rd Annual BIBFRAME workshop in Europe
17-18 Sept. 2019, Stockholm

What we try to do

  1. migrate our data
    MARC21 to a Bibframe JSON
  2. create an editor
    interface based on RDA
    data based on Bibframe JSON

Where we struggle

1. Granularity and structure

  • when Bibframe is less granular than MARC21 or RDA...
  • when it is about transcription...
  • when the data should be converted back to MARC21...
  • when we spare a thought for the end user...

Where we struggle

2. Data gains and losses

Decisions about the future of a dataset cured for 48 years


3. Lack of documentation

We miss concrete data structure examples.


4. Lack of competencies

Understanding the documentation

Boundary RDA / Bibframe

What reeeally helps

Existing implemented examples

About us

Library network of Western Switzerland

(for now)

Competence and service center for libraries

(starting 2021)

Open Source ILS being developed

Based on Invenio 3

Thank you!

Test our ILS

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RERO thrown into Bibframe

By Nicolas Prongué

RERO thrown into Bibframe

Short presentation (lightning talk) held at 3rd Annual BIBFRAME workshop in Europe (2019). It is about the challenges of migrating data from MARC21 to Bibframe in the context of the development of new integrated library system (ILS).

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