Next.js: Server-side rendering your React App

Twitter: @arodrigueze_

Linkedin: arodrigueze0215

Andrés Rodríguez Escudero

Product Developer at Veritran

Since the dawn of time

How Client-side Rendering (CSR) works.

Renderiza en el browser con JS

How Server-side Rendering (SSR) works?

  • Your internet speed
  • The location of the server
  • How many users are trying to access the site.
  • How optimized the website is.
Pros Cons
Search engines can crawl the site for better SEO. Frequent server requests.
The initial page load is faster. Full page reloads.
Great for static sites.


The most popular

Why should I care?

  • Easy to use.
  • Webpack hot reloading.
  • Automatic code splitting (loads page faster).
  • automatic transpilation (with babel)
  • built in css support.  (Styled JSX)
  • Prefeching.
  • JavaScript All the time.

Next.js Developers Salaries 

73.8K USD

Nextjs Uses cases.

Demo time


Next.js: Server-side rendering your React App

By Python Pereira

Next.js: Server-side rendering your React App

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