TypeCheck - Effortless Type-Checking in Elixir
TypeCheck is an Elixir library that takes your existing Elixir types + specs and builds runtime type-checks, clear error messages, improved documentation and automated property-based ‘spectests’ on top of them! In this talk, Marten will explain how simple it is to use TypeCheck in your projects and why and when you’d want to. Also, he will give a small peek behind the curtain of the extensive not-so-simple metaprogramming required to make all of this happen ;-). https://github.com/Qqwy/elixir-type_check
Parser Combinators in C++
Multiplayer Games & Collaborative Editing with Phoenix LiveView
Copy of Web and Cloud Computing: Group 13
Web and Cloud Computing: Group 13
In by Out Again
Blocked: Keep track of when hotfixes can be removed
Lightning talk about the Elixir-library 'blocked'. https://github.com/Qqwy/elixir-blocked
Guards, Guards!
L-systems as Rose Trees
Going Meta with Elixir's
An Adventure in Distributed Programming
Talk given at ElixirConf.EU 2019 (http://www.elixirconf.eu/elixirconfeu2019/wiebe-marten-wijnja).
Elm (and Sass)
Granular Blockchain (v3)
A Blockchain System is not one, atomic whole. It is made up of multiple, separatable parts. In 'Granular Blockchain', Marten (Wiebe-Marten Wijnja) of Resilia will take us on a journey along the various major components of most distributed ledger systems, and we will investigate how each of these can be useful and versatile on its own. Presentation for https://www.meetup.com/Learn-Blockchain-Technology-Together/events/255826543/