• Szukanie pracy w 2024

    Spotkanie ze studentami o szukaniu pracy i praktyk w 2024, Instytut Informatyki UWr https://www.facebook.com/share/p/keFRdU78Q6vRRgqF/

  • Cross Browser Performance Compatibility

    meet.js Summit 2023

  • Complicated touch interfaces and React

    ReactJS Wroclaw #27, in English

  • Skomplikowane interfejsy dotykowe a React

    ReactJS Wroclaw #27

  • Brief Overview of Ludii

    Competitive AI Seminar 2022

  • (Nie)bezpieczeństwa na froncie

    Wykład na Kurs Tworzenia Aplikacji Frontendowych (https://github.com/Arsenicro/uwr2022-frontend)

  • Why all the fuss about Fibers?

    "Tens of issues, discussions, forum posts, and now pull requests... Why everyone went crazy about "Fibers"? What even is that!? I work with Meteor, a Node.js framework, and use Promises everywhere. Why the hell should I care about some C/C++ library from 2011?" ~ Someone, maybe These are all valid points that have to be addressed and I think I can do that. (Meteor Impact, October 14, 2022.)

  • De-fibers-ize your code

    ...with this one weird trick! (Meteor NYC, August 16, 2022.)

  • Rust 101

  • GraphQL w praktyce 2021

    GraphQL w praktyce - warsztaty https://www.facebook.com/vazco.eu/posts/6477031619004852

  • Many faces of performance in Meteor

    Meteor Impact 2021

  • JIT Compilation

  • O throw w React

    ReactJS Wroclaw #22

  • Documentation

  • Business take on uniforms

  • Demystifying Meteor

  • Another dimension (of problems) with three.js, React edition

  • Schema? Form! Meet uniforms!

    Meteor Impact 2020

  • Dates, Times, Zones - When are we!?

  • GraphQL w praktyce

    GraphQL w praktyce - warsztaty https://www.facebook.com/events/532222697618660/

  • Overfetching? I have a bird for that!

    GraphQL Wroclaw #4

  • Masz schemę? Masz formularz. Poznaj uniforms!

    GraphQL Wroclaw #2

  • Regular Expressions 101

    Vazco TechMeeting 2019-04-12

  • Fantasy Land

    Vazco TechMeeting 2019-03-26

  • ECMAScript & TC39

    Vazco TechMeeting 2019-03-12

  • WebAssembly

    Vazco TechMeeting 2018-11-22

  • Warsztaty PWr 2018

    Nowoczesne aplikacje internetowe - Warsztat z Vazco https://www.facebook.com/events/652772678407313/

  • TypeScript

    Vazco TechMeeting 2018-05-25

  • IT PopCorn - Architektura nowoczesnych aplikacji internetowych.

    IT PopCorn 2018

  • Flow

    Vazco TechMeeting 2017-12-11

  • MongoDB Indexes

    Vazco TechMeeting 2017-11-06

  • MongoDB "Low-level"

    Vazco TechMeeting 2017-11-06

  • Open Source

    IT PopCorn 2017