Radosław Miernik
Open source? Embrace, understand, develop.
Everything is at radekmie.dev.
(Slides for this presentation too.)
Tens of issues, discussions, forum posts, and now pull requests... Why everyone went crazy about "Fibers"? What even is that!? I work with Meteor, a Node.js framework, and use Promises everywhere. Why the hell should I care about some C/C++ library from 2011?
~ Someone, maybe
(noun) a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest.
implementation (v1.5)async
proposal draft
(ES2017)The preamble in v0.3.2 Meteor'smongo-livedata
package (source).
* Provide a synchronous Collection API using fibers, backed by
* MongoDB. This is only for use on the server, and mostly identical
* to the client API.
* NOTE: the public API methods must be run within a fiber. If you call
* these outside of a fiber they will explode!
// Create the collection.
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
const Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts');
Collection#insert returns the inserted ID immediately both on the client and the server.
// Create a new post.
const result = Posts.insert({
title: 'Clickbait here!',
text: 'Have you ever...',
// What is in the `result`?
// Create the collection.
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://...');
const Posts = client.db().collection('posts');
Collection#insert returns a promise of the response (it includes the inserted ID).
// Create a new post.
const result = await Posts.insertOne({
title: 'Clickbait here!',
text: 'Have you ever...',
// What is in the `result`?
// EXTREMELY simplified version.
MongoConnection.prototype._insert =
function (collection_name, document, callback) {
.then(({ insertedId }) => { callback(null, insertedId); })
.catch(error => { callback(error, null); });
Meteor#wrapAsync magically got rid of the promise...? Let's look into it!
// Exact implementation.
_.each(["insert", "update", "remove", "dropCollection", "dropDatabase"], function (method) {
MongoConnection.prototype[method] = function (/* arguments */) {
var self = this;
return Meteor.wrapAsync(self["_" + method]).apply(self, arguments);
// EXTREMELY simplified version.
if (Meteor.isServer)
var Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');
Meteor.wrapAsync = function (fn, context) {
return function (/* ...args, callback */) {
if (!callback) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
callback = logErr; // Logs the error (if any).
} else {
var future = new Future();
callback = future.resolver();
callback = Meteor.bindEnvironment(callback);
var result = fn.apply(context || this, [...args, callback]);
return future ? future.wait() : result;
(Barely 46 A4 pages.)
MongoDB methods (#12028).
to all database operations (i.e., make the surrounding functions async
and Future
occurrences from your code. In most cases, it'll be as easy as one await
, Promise#await
, and other Meteor-specific functions, as they rely on Fibers.
without async
declare module 'meteor/promise' {
export class Promise extends globalThis.Promise {
static async any, This, Args extends any[]>(
fn: Fn,
allowReuseOfCurrentFiber?: boolean,
): (this: This, ...args: Args) => Promise>;
static asyncApply any, This, Args extends any[]>(
fn: Fn,
context: This,
args: Args,
allowReuseOfCurrentFiber?: boolean,
): Promise>;
static await(value: PromiseLike): T;
static awaitAll(values: Iterable>): T[];
await(): T;
All of these are Meteor-specific. The less you use them, the easier it will be to migrate off the Fibers.
As we're already using the latest MongoDB driver version, we should make the most of it. I plan to work on adding other collection methods that are not there yet, i.e., distinct
, estimatedDocumentCount
, findOneAndUpdate
, insertMany
I aim to make the Collections API on-par with the Node.js driver. Most of the work will remain on the Minimongo side, though.
Also, how about change streams...? I've conducted some heavy tests with them, and will post the results soon. However, I'd start with exposing them for the end-users first, rather than replacing oplog.
By Radosław Miernik
"Tens of issues, discussions, forum posts, and now pull requests... Why everyone went crazy about "Fibers"? What even is that!? I work with Meteor, a Node.js framework, and use Promises everywhere. Why the hell should I care about some C/C++ library from 2011?" ~ Someone, maybe These are all valid points that have to be addressed and I think I can do that. (Meteor Impact, October 14, 2022.)