Joins and Heroku


Design For Good

This Saturday, starting at 4 PM

ending on Sunday at noon

Located in the Woz

Prizes for best beginner hacks too!


Make sure you check in with your TA!

If you don't have a group or a TA hasn't emailed you let us know ASAP.


How to do more complicated relationships we didn't cover.



How to host your apps on the internet so anyone can access it.


  • We learned has_one, belongs_to, and has_many
  • What if we do something that is not standard?
    • Example modeling friendships(a join of a user and  user)
    • What if a pokemon belongs to more than one trainer?

Standard has_many

  • has_many :quits
    • Within user model
  • Inferred that
    • quits table exists
    • users_id on quits refers to the owning user's id

Join Tables

  • Use pets as an example
  • If a pet had a single owner we can simple have
    • User
      • has_many :pets
    • Pet
      • belongs_to :user
      • pet has a user_id column

What if a pet is owned by multiple users?

  • What about creating multiple rows in the pet table, with multiple entries for the same pet, each with a different user_id? Problems?
  • Any other ideas?

Create a Join Table

  • A users_pets table
  • Each row in this table represents a pet ownership
  • The users_pets table contains a user_id and a pet_id
  • In user.rb just have
    • has_and_belongs_to_many :pets
  • In pet.rb just have
    • has_and_belongs_to_many :users
  • Rails will infer a users_pets table and get the associated records

Self Join For Users: Friendships

  • Initial Problem, we can't say belongs_to :user
    • reference two users
  • Separate them into two references
    • belongs_to :user_a
    • belongs_to :user_b
  • Problem: it will infer tables user_as and user_bs

Use foreign_key

  • belongs_to :user_a, class_name: :User, foreign_key: :a_id
    • know it's class and that user's id is the a_id column
  • belongs_to :user_b, class_name: :user, foreign_key: :a_id
    • now we can distiguish

Listing the users friendships

  • has_many :friendships
    • assumes friendships table and friendship class
    • is the user user_a or user_b?
  • has_many :friendships, foreign_key: :a_id
    • specifies the user calling the method has the id a_id

Listing all the users friends

  • One way is to define a function
    • def friends
  • Can define as a relationship
    • has_many :friends, through: :friendships, source: :user_b
      • through - another relationship we want to reference
      • source - method called on each
      • in the end flattened



  • Easy web hosting
  • Currently free (not in the near future)

Fall Week 9: Self Joins, Heroku

By Rails Decal

Fall Week 9: Self Joins, Heroku

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