

APEX Talks


Why monitor the database when you can monitor the users?

with Dimitri Gielis

A story about Internet of Things, wearables, and monitoring.

One New APEX 5.1 Feature Which Has Not Been Mentioned at Kscope16

with Joel Kallman

...and which you've been waiting for a long time.

Secure Your APEX Applications with APEX-SERT

with Scott Spendolini

APEX-SERT - formerly known as the commercial product eSERT - is now a freely available open source project that runs on APEX 4.2 & 5.0. This session will demonstrate the key features of APEX-SERT, including how to download, install and configure it.

APEX insights - take a look behind the scenes

with Peter Raganitsch

Take a look behind the scenes of not only the packaged applications, but also the Application Builder itself.

5 Things in 10 minutes

with John Scott

Sometimes I forget myself how many cool features are tucked away inside APEX, some new and some not so new. This (ambitious!) session plans to show you at least one thing that you didn't know about.


The Array of Things

with Anton Nielsen

Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. The ability to connect the world, wirelessly, inexpensively and rapidly is magic – and it is upon us.

How to program more efficiently

with Martin D'Souza

Would you use a hand drill or a power drill? Stop coding slowly. Learn about tools and technique to help reduce the time it takes to write your code.

Design is Important

with Shakeeb Rahman

JavaScript and APEX:
The Past, Present, and Future

with Dan McGhan


Closing Ceremony

11:15 am

Chicago VIII - X

The #LetsWreckThisTogether APEX Talks

By Jorge Rimblas

The #LetsWreckThisTogether APEX Talks

This is the "Deep Dive" line up for APEX track at Kscope16. Livestream available

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