Pydantic & Rust

Samuel Colvin

What is Pydantic?

  • Data validation & more using Python type hints
  • Top 50 package PyPI - Just reached 1B downloads 🎉
  • The validation magic behind FastAPI - FastAPI is ~25% of Pydantic's usage
from datetime import datetime
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Delivery(BaseModel):
    timestamp: datetime
    dimensions: tuple[int, int]

m = Delivery(timestamp='2020-01-02T03:04:05Z', dimensions=['10', '20'])
#> datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC))
#> (10, 20)

Pydantic V2

  • Complete rewrite of Pydantic, with the core written in Rust
  • Released in June
  • 5 - 50x faster than Pydantic V1
  • More correct, more extensible

Why Rust?

The obvious advantages...

  • Performance
  • Reusing high quality rust libraries
  • More explicit error handling

(maybe) Less obviously advantages:

  • Virtually zero cost customisation, even in hot code
  • Arguably easier to maintain - the compiler picks up more of mistake
  • Private means private


  • Slower to develop
  • Fewer people can help you
  • Have to distribute binaries, or leave users to compile it

Pydantic V2 Architecture

Read type hints

construct a "core schema"


(pure python)


(binary + stubs + core-schema)

process core schema

return SchemaValidator

Receive data

call schema_validator(data)

run validator

return the result of validation

Pydantic V2



import timeit
from pydantic import BaseModel, __version__

class Model(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    friends: list[int]
    settings: dict[str, float]

data = {
    'name': 'John',
    'age': 42,
    'friends': list(range(200)),
    'settings': {f'v_{i}': i / 2.0 for i in range(50)}
t = timeit.timeit(
    globals={'data': data, 'Model': Model},
print(f'version={__version__} time taken {t * 100:.2f}us')
version=1.10.4 time taken 179.81us
version=2.30   time taken   7.99us

22.5x speedup

Strict Mode

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, ValidationError

class Model(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)
    age: int
    friends: tuple[int, int]

    Model(age='42', friends=[1, 2])
except ValidationError as e:
    2 validation errors for Model
      Input should be a valid integer ... input_value='42'
      Input should be a valid tuple ... input_value=[1, 2]

print(Model(age=42, friends=(1, 2)))
#> age=42 friends=(1, 2)

AKA Pedant mode.

Builtin JSON parsing

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict

class Model(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)

    age: int
    friends: tuple[int, int]

print(Model.model_validate_json('{"age": 1, "friends": [1, 2]}'))
#> age=1 friends=(1, 2)

If you're going to be a pedant, you better be right.

Also gives us:

  • Big performance improvement without 3rd party parsing library
  • Custom Errors (WIP)
  • Line numbers in errors (in future)

Wrap Validators

from pydantic import BaseModel, field_validator

class Model(BaseModel):
    x: int

    @field_validator('x', mode='wrap')
    def validate_x(cls, v, handler):
        if v == 'one':
            return 1

            x = handler(v)
        except ValueError:
            return -999
            return x + 1

#> x=1
#> x=3
#> x=-999

AKA "The Onion"


On Error


Alias Paths

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, AliasPath, AliasChoices

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    a: int = Field(validation_alias=AliasPath('foo', 1, 'bar'))
    b: str = Field(validation_alias=AliasChoices('x', 'y'))

m = MyModel.model_validate(
        'foo': [{'bar': 0}, {'bar': 1}],
        'y': 'Y',
#> a=1 b='Y'

Somewhat similar to serde's "flatten".

Coming Soon...

PyO3 Speedups

PyO3 provides the magic, that allows Pydantic (and many other libraries) to call Rust from Python.


While Rust is very fast:

  • Calling Rust from Python
  • and, interacting with Python objects (e.g. Dicts) from Rust

Is slower than it could be.


But much of this is fixable...

PyO3 Speedups

Let's look at an example...

def dict_not_none(**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
    return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
Implementation Measurement
Python 281ns
PyO3 Today 350ns
Baremetal FFI 54ns
PyO3 Next 235ns

Faster JSON validation

We currently parse JSON completely, store it in a heap of Maps and Arrays, then validate.


We can do much better...

Faster JSON validation

What we have now:

def validate_json_today(model_type: ModelType, json_data: str):
    json_object = JsonObject()
    for chunk in JsonParser(json_data).chunks():
        json_chunk = chunk.to_object()

    model_data = {}
    errors = []
    for f in model_type.fields:
            model_data[] = f.validate(json_object[f.key])
        except Error:

    if errors:
        raise ValidationError(errors)
        return model_type(model_data)

Warning: Python as pseudo code for Rust 😱

Faster JSON validation

What we might have in future:

def validate_json_future(model_type: ModelType, json_data: str):
    tmp: list[Any | None] = [None for _ in range(len(model_type.fields))]
    errors = []
    for key, chunk in iter_json_parser(json_data):
        field = model_type.fields.get(key)
        if field:
                tmp[field.index] = field.validate(chunk.parse())
            except Error:

    model_data = []
    for index, field in enumerate(tmp):
        if field is None:


Warning: Python as pseudo code for Rust 😱

Pydantic V3 more...

  • Lazy Python objects => even no python objects
  • More direct validation & serialization formats - msgpack, avro, parquet?

Thank you


Pydantic will start a closed beta of our Observability tool later this year!

Come and find me for beta access, or scan:

FastAPI Berlin | Pydantic & Rust

By Samuel Colvin

FastAPI Berlin | Pydantic & Rust

  • 7,081