Sarah Dean PRO
asst prof in CS at Cornell
Prof. Sarah Dean
MW 2:45-4pm
110 Hollister Hall
0. Announcements & Recap
1. Model-Based RL with Exploration
2. UCB Value Iteration Algorithm
3. UCB-VI Analysis
5789 Paper Review Assignment (weekly pace suggested)
HW 3 released Monday, due 4/25
Final exam Monday 5/16 at 7pm
A (less) simplified setting for studying exploration
ex - machine make and model affect rewards, so context \(x=(\)•\(, \)•\(, \)•\(, \)•\(, \)•\(, \)•\(, \)•\(, \)•\()\)
LinUCB Algorithm
For \(t=1,...,T\):
0. Announcements & Recap
1. Model-Based RL with Exploration
2. UCB Value Iteration Algorithm
3. UCB-VI Analysis
Analysis: \(\widehat \pi\) vs. \(\pi^*\)
0. Announcements & Recap
1. Model-Based RL with Exploration
2. UCB Value Iteration Algorithm
3. UCB-VI Analysis
By Sarah Dean