key practices for activist researchers
peace 071b
simon elichko
• Generate some research leads by doing a quick
preliminary analysis.
• Keep track of what you find
• Use the full range of research tools and resources at
your disposal
• Remember that "search" is not a one-size-fits-all
technique; adapt your approach
Four Key Practices for Activist Researchers
Anti-hydrofracking protest in central PA, activists demonstrated outside the gates to a farm that had been leased to a gas company
• Quick preliminary analysis •
Start from what you know (from the case description).
• Who?
Activist group name? (local? chapter of larger org?)
Farmer's name? Name of gas company?
• Where?
Name of nearest larger town/city?
• What?
What words do activists use to describe the action?
What about the target? Opposition more broadly?
• When?
What relevant date(s) do you know?
What else was happening at this time?
Preliminary analysis --> Initial research direction
• Who?
Social media and web sources from activist group
Blog posts, press releases from larger org
News and other media quoting or referencing the
farmer, gas company, and/or activists
• Where?
Names of local and regional newspapers + media
Info about other similar actions in the local area
• What?
Higher chance of finding relevant sources
Easier time recognizing relevant sources
• When?
More manageable search results (narrow by date)
Keep track of what you find.
Search logs (see Tools + Worksheets)
Take good notes
• Names (individuals, organizations, agencies)
• Terms used by or to describe people involved
• Any alternative spellings, transliterations, translations
• Locations of importance
• Historical, colonial, or postcolonial names
• Key dates (consider making a simple timeline)
• Legislation, policies - any specific focal point / impetus
• Vocabulary that is characteristic of each side
Sources + Leads
• Found a Facebook post on the demonstration by a
member of the activist group.
---> searched Access World News for this person's
name, found out that she's quoted in
newspaper articles you hadn't found before
• Read a local newspaper article quoting a gas company
---> searched for the gas company name,
learned that they testified in front of the
state Department of Environmental Protection,
obliquely referencing the demonstration
Use the full range of research tools and resources at your disposal
There is usually more than one way to find what you're looking for.
• Recent articles from a local newspaper:
Access World News
Google News Archive
Regional sites: AllAfrica, MidEast Wire, Asia Source
World News Connection
• How to identify useful research tools and resources •
• Check the Research Guide for this course.
- Linked from Research Guides (current courses)
- Go directly:
• Ask for suggestions and advice.
- Email -
- Stop by office hours:
T, 11-1 and W, 1-3 PM
Held at the Research & Info Desk in McCabe
- Make an appointment
Search is not a one-size-fits-all technique - adapt your approach to the resource you're using.
Look out for Advanced Search options
Consider how far your search terms will go in the particular database/research tool you're using.
For example, compare these two databases:
- Access World News - searches full text of articles
- Alternative Press Index - searches the title and subject
of articles, but not the full text
Research advice--
Don't hesitate to ask.
- Email -
- Stop by office hours:
T, 11-1 and W, 1-3 PM
Held at the Research & Info Desk in McCabe
- Make an appointment
PEAC 071B: Strategy & Nonviolent Struggle - Spring 2017
By selichk1
PEAC 071B: Strategy & Nonviolent Struggle - Spring 2017
- 1,648